Local Organizing Committee
The 31st IMC is the first ever in a Spanish speaking country and will be organized by a very experienced team. Gabriela Vaduvescu as manager of the small enterprise "Astro Travels" co-ordinates astronomy related visits and holidays. Ovidiu Vaduvescu works as a professional astronomer at the Observatory in La Palma. They are assisted by an international team of experienced conference organizers.
The following Local Organizing Committee (LOC) takes care about the 31st IMC:
- LOC-coordinator: Gabriela Vaduvescu, +34-677-284-622 (mobile), +34-922-107-759 (fix);
- Assistant coordinator: Ovidiu Vaduvescu, +34-677-284-742 (mobile), +34-922-107-759 (fix);
- LOC-member: Geert Barentsen, +44-754-700-3148 (fix);
- LOC-member: Felix Bettonvil, +31-651-491-504 (mobile);
- LOC-member: Ana Castaneda, +34-922-423-100 (fix);
- LOC-member: Carlos Fernandez, +34-696-455-484 (mobile);
- LOC-member: Valentin Grigore, +40-722-829-034 (mobile), +40-245-213-851 (fix);
- LOC-member: José Maria Madiedo, +34-606-858-001 (mobile), +34-954-621-660 (fix);
- LOC-member: Francisco Ocaña, +34-651-722-097 (mobile);
- LOC-member: Paul Roggemans, +32-485-678-022 (mobile), +32-15-41-12-25 (fix);
- LOC-member: Casper ter Kuile, +31-6-2424-2445 (mobile);