Travel information
Mistelbach is well connected to other parts of Lower Austria and the capital Vienna by train and bus. There are also bus connections to the nearby Czech Republic and Slovakia as well as to Hungary.
Travelling by plane
From Vienna International Airport
The most convenient way to come by plane to Mistelbach is via Vienna International Airport (VIE). The airport is connected to all major parts of the world. From there you have to take a train (Schnellbahn Line S 7) to the station Wien Praterstern, which is a 30 minutes trip (train service roughly every half an hour). From Wien Praterstern you have to catch another train to Mistelbach (Schnellbahn Line S 2). There are plenty of such trains to Mistelbach and the trip takes about 1 hour. In addition you can choose between the Schnellbahn Line S 2 and local trains, especially during rush hours. The LOC will organize a free shuttle service from Mistelbach railway station to the Agricultural School and to private accommodations respectively. Let the LOC know when you will arrive in Mistelbach.
A word of warning: alternatively to the Schnellbahn Line S 7 there is another train service to the city of Vienna, called City Airport Train (CAT). This train is faster (16 minutes duration), but rather expensive (€ 11.- instead of € 4.40; one way). It has its terminal at Wien Mitte, from where not as many trains are going to Mistelbach as from Wien Praterstern. Therefore it is recommended to take the Schnellbahn Line S 7 and change the train at Wien Praterstern.
From Bratislava International Airport
Bratislava International Airport (BTS) is the second largest international airport in the vicinity of Mistelbach and may be a cheaper option, especially for Eastern European residents. The airport is connected with Bratislava hlavná stanica (Bratislava main railway station) via Bus Line 61 (service every 15-20 minutes). From there a train going to Wien Hauptbahnhof (Vienna main railway station) leaves roughly every hour and the trip takes 1 hour and 15 minutes. Wien Hauptbahnhof is connected with Wien Praterstern by Schnellbahn Lines S 1, S 2 and S 3 (service every 5-10 minutes; 12 minutes duration).
From Brno International Airport
Brno International Airport (BRQ) is the third international airport not far away from Mistelbach. Although the airport is frequented by some cheap airlines, it is not rec-ommended to fly via Brno, since there is no direct train connection to Mistelbach. There is a bus service from Brno to Vienna, which stops at Mistelbach, but only one time a day. The latter applies for the way back, too.

Airports near Mistelbach
Travelling by train
If you intend to go by train to Mistelbach you have to integrate Vienna in your itiner-ary. Vienna’s main railway station (Wien Hauptbahnhof) is connected with all major European cities. After arriving at Wien Hauptbahnhof you have to follow the route described in chapter “Travelling by plane”.

Mistelbach – Location of the Train Station with respect to the MAMUZ Museum Mistelbach and the Agricultural School
Travelling by bus
Vienna is also connected with many European cities by bus. Eurolines Austria for instance starts and ends at the Vienna International Busterminal (VIB), from where you have to go by Underground Line U 3 (orange) and U 1 (red) to Wien Praterstern and catch a train to Mistelbach then (see chapter “Travelling by plane”).
Travelling by car
Mistelbach lies very close to motorway A 5 (Nord Autobahn) between Vienna and Schrick, where it changes into B 7 (Brünner Straße) to Drasenhofen and B 46 (Staatzer Straße) to Mistelbach.
If you come from the west (Salzburg, Linz):
You take motorway A 1 (West Autobahn) until the junction St. Pölten, where you change to S 33 (Kremser Schnellstraße). At the junction Jettsdorf you turn into S 5 (Stockerauer Schnellstraße) and go as far as the junction Stockerau. From there follow A 22 (Donauufer Autobahn) until the junction Korneuburg and change to S 1 (Wiener Außenring Schnellstraße). At the junction Eibesbrunn you turn into A 5.
If you come from the north (Czech Republic):
In that case it is recommended to enter Austria at the international checkpoint Mikulov / Drasenhofen. From there you go on B 7 (Brünner Straße) and B 46 (Staatzer Straße) to Mistelbach.
If you come from the east (Slovakia, Hungary):
Coming from Slovakia you enter Austria at the international checkpoint Jarovce / Kittsee. From there you take motorway A 6 (Nordost Autobahn) until the junction Bruckneudorf, where you change to motorway A 4 (Ost Autobahn). You follow the motorway until the junction Prater (in Vienna) and change to motorway A 23 (Auto-bahn Südosttangente Wien) in direction to Brno / Praha. The A 23 merges with S 2 (Wiener Nordrand Schnellstraße) and further on becomes S 1 (Wiener Außenring Schnellstraße). At the junction Eibesbrunn you turn into A 5.
Coming from Hungary you enter Austria at the international checkpoint Hegyeshalom / Nickelsdorf. From there you take motorway A 4 (Ost Autobahn) until the junc-tion Prater, where you turn into motorway A 23.
If you come from the south (Klagenfurt, Graz):
You take motorway A 1 (Südautobahn) until the junction Inzersdorf-West (in Vienna). You keep the direction and change to motorway A 23 (in direction to Kaisermühlen).
Sharing a car with others can help to reduce the number of cars and travelling costs and stimulate socializing as well. Therefore carpooling is encouraged by the LOC. For privacy reasons information about the travel plans of participants will be dis-played in a limited way. So, if you want to share a car with others let the LOC know, and it will bring you in contact with the right person.