Radio Meteor Discussion Session

Friday 17 September after dinner (19h30-21h30)

As part of the International Meteor Conference 2010 in Armagh, radio meteor observers and fans are invited to take part in a breakout session to discuss the latest developments and plan future collaborations in radio meteor science.

The following topics are on the agenda:

  1. Radio ZHR estimation
  2. VLF observations
  3. Epsilon echoes
  4. Radio meteor interferometers
  5. Simultaneous radio and video observations
  6. Data format and archiving

Participants are invited to suggest additional topics or bring along any useful materials. For an optimal preparation, please contact to suggest any topics or materials you would like to contribute. Note that the aim of this meeting is to have a group discussion; presentations longer than 2-3 slides should be submitted to the main program of the conference.

Organizers: Jean-Louis Rault, Cis Verbeeck (IMO Radio Commission)