Meteor Shower Calendar

The meteor shower calendar is compiled by Jürgen Rendtel since 2016, this way continuing the 25 year series started by Alastair McBeath.
Information in the meteor shower calendar is based on the IMO Meteor Shower Workbook, edited by Jürgen Rendtel (IMO, 2014), and Molau S. and Rendtel J., 2009: A comprehensive list of meteor showers obtained from 10 years of observations with the IMO Video Meteor Network, WGN, vol. 37, pp. 98-121, as well as additional material extracted from data analyses produced since and results of meteoroid stream modelling provided by researchers listed in each calendar.

PDF Versions:

2025 English | German | Polish
2024 English | German
2023 English | German
2022 English | German
2021 English | German
2020 English | German | Chinese (中文版)
2019 English | German | Chinese (中文版)
2018 English | German | Chinese (中文版) | French
2017 English | German | Chinese (中文版)
2016 English | German | Dutch
2015 English | German | Dutch
2014 English | German
2013 English | Romanian
2012 English
2011 English | Russian
2010 English | Russian
2009 English
2008 English
2007 English
2006 English
2005 English
2004 English
2003 English
2000 English
1999 English

The heart of the Calendar is the Working List of Visual Meteor Showers, thanks to regular updating from analyses using the IMO's Visual Meteor Database, the single most accurate listing available anywhere today for naked-eye meteor observing. Even this can never be a complete list of all meteor showers, since there are many showers which cannot be properly detected visually, and some which only photographic, radar, telescopic, or video observations can separate from the background sporadic meteors, present throughout the year.

The IMO's aims are to encourage, collect, analyze, and publish combined meteor data obtained from sites all over the globe in order to further our understanding of the meteor activity detectable from the Earth's surface. Results from only a few localized places can never provide such total comprehension, and it is thanks to the efforts of the many it IMO observers worldwide since 1988 that we have been able to achieve as much as we have to date. This is not a matter for complacency, however, since it is solely by the continued support of many people across the whole world that our steps towards constructing a better and more complete picture of the near-Earth meteoroid flux can proceed. This means that all meteor workers, wherever they are and whatever methods they use to record meteors, should follow the standard IMO observing guidelines when compiling their information, and submit their data promptly to the appropriate Commission for analysis.

Visual and photographic techniques remain popular for nightly meteor coverage (weather permitting), although both suffer considerably from the presence of moonlight. Telescopic observations are much less popular, but they allow the fine detail of shower radiant structures to be derived, and they permit very low activity showers to be accurately detected. Video methods continue to be dynamically applied as in the last few years, and are starting to bear considerable fruit. These have the advantages, and disadvantages, of both photographic and telescopic observing, plus some of their own, but are increasing in importance. Radio receivers can be utilized at all times, regardless of clouds, moonlight, or daylight, and provide the only way in which 24-hour meteor observing can be accomplished for most latitudes. Together, these methods cover virtually the entire range of meteoroid sizes, from the very largest fireball-producing events (using all-sky photographic and video patrols or visual observations) through to tiny dust grains producing extremely faint telescopic or radio meteors.

However and whenever you are able to observe, we wish you all a most successful year's work and very much look forward to receiving your data.

Clear skies!

Next Peak night
Jan 3-4, 2026

Quadrantids (QUA)

Active from December 26th to January 16th, 2026

The Quadrantids have the potential to be the strongest shower of the year but usually fall short due to the short length of maximum activity (6 hours) and the poor weather experienced during early January. The average hourly rates one can expect under dark skies is 25. These meteors usually lack persistent trains but often produce bright fireballs. Due to the high northerly declination (celestial latitude) these meteors are not well seen from the southern hemisphere. Predictions for 2026 show a peak near 00:36 UT on January 4th. This timing favors Asia..Activity will be severely compromised in 2026 as a full moon occurs on January 3rd. The bright moonlight will obscure all but the brightest meteors therefore the best hourly rates are expected to be less than 10.

Shower details - Radiant: 15:20 +49.7° - ZHR: 120 - Velocity: 25 miles/sec (medium - 40.4km/sec) - Parent Object: 2003 EH (Asteroid)

Next Peak - The Quadrantids will next peak on the Jan 3-4, 2026 night. On this night, the moon will be 100% full.

Next Peak night
Apr 21-22, 2025

Lyrids (LYR)

Active from April 17th to April 26th, 2025

The Lyrids are a medium strength shower that usually produces good rates for three nights centered on the maximum. These meteors also usually lack persistent trains but can produce fireballs. These meteors are best seen from the northern hemisphere where the radiant is high in the sky at dawn. Activity from this shower can be seen from the southern hemisphere, but at a lower rate. Maximum is predicted to occur near 13UT on April 22nd. The waning crescent moon will slightly interfere with viewing these meteors in 2025.

Shower details - Radiant: 18:08 +33.3° - ZHR: 18 - Velocity: 29 miles/sec (medium - 46.6km/sec) - Parent Object: C/1861 G1 (Thatcher)

Next Peak - The Lyrids will next peak on the Apr 21-22, 2025 night. On this night, the moon will be 40% full.

Next Peak night
May 3-4, 2025

eta Aquariids (ETA)

Active from April 20th to May 21st, 2025

The Eta Aquariids are a strong shower when viewed from the southern tropics. From the equator northward, they usually only produce medium rates of 10-30 per hour just before dawn. Activity is good for a week centered the night of maximum activity. These are swift meteors that produce a high percentage of persistent trains, but few fireballs. In 2025, a first quarter moon will set long before the radiant rises so circumstances are excellent for viewing this shower. No abnormal activity is expected in 2025.

Shower details - Radiant: 22:28 -1° - ZHR: 50 - Velocity: 40.7 miles/sec (swift - 65.4km/sec) - Parent Object: 1P/Halley

Next Peak - The eta Aquariids will next peak on the May 3-4, 2025 night. On this night, the moon will be 44% full.

Next Peak night
Jul 29-30, 2025

Southern delta Aquariids (SDA)

Active from July 18th to August 12th, 2025

The Delta Aquariids are another strong shower best seen from the southern tropics. North of the equator the radiant is located lower in the southern sky and therefore rates are less than seen from further south. These meteors produce good rates for a week centered on the night of maximum. These are usually faint meteors that lack both persistent trains and fireballs. In 2025, a waxing crescent moon will set before the radiant is high in the sky. Therefore circumstances are favorable for viewing this shower during the morning hours..

Shower details - Radiant: 22:40 -16.4° - ZHR: 25 - Velocity: 25 miles/sec (medium - 40km/sec) - Parent Object: 96P/Machholz?

Next Peak - The Southern delta Aquariids will next peak on the Jul 29-30, 2025 night. On this night, the moon will be 27% full.

Next Peak night
Jul 29-30, 2025

alpha Capricornids (CAP)

Active from July 12th to August 12th, 2025

The Alpha Capricornids are active from July 12 through August 12 with a "plateau-like" maximum centered on July 30th. This shower is not very strong and rarely produces in excess of 5 shower members per hour. What is notable about this shower is the number of bright fireballs produced during its activity period. This shower is seen equally well on either side of the equator.

Shower details - Radiant: 20:22 -9.3° - ZHR: 5 - Velocity: 14 miles/sec (slow - 22km/sec) - Parent Object: 169P/NEAT

Next Peak - The alpha Capricornids will next peak on the Jul 29-30, 2025 night. On this night, the moon will be 27% full.

Next Peak night
Aug 12-13, 2025

Perseids (PER)

Active from July 17th to August 23rd, 2025

The Perseids are the most popular meteor shower as they peak on warm August nights as seen from the northern hemisphere. The Perseids are active from July 14 to September 1. They reach a strong maximum on August 12 or 13, depending on the year. Normal rates seen from rural locations range from 50-75 shower members per hour at maximum. The Perseids are particles released from comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle during its numerous returns to the inner solar system. They are called Perseids since the radiant (the area of the sky where the meteors seem to originate) is located near the prominent constellation of Perseus the hero when at maximum activity. In 2025, the waning gibbous moon will severely compromise this shower at the time of maximum activity. Such conditions will reduce activity by at least 75 percent as only the brighter meteors will be visible.

Shower details - Radiant: 03:17 +58.1° - ZHR: 100 - Velocity: 37 miles/sec (swift - 59km/sec) - Parent Object: 109P/Swift-Tuttle

Next Peak - The Perseids will next peak on the Aug 12-13, 2025 night. On this night, the moon will be 84% full.

Next Peak night
Oct 22-23, 2025

Orionids (ORI)

Active from October 2nd to November 12th, 2025

The Orionids are a medium strength shower that sometimes reaches high strength activity. In a normal year the Orionids produce 10-20 shower members at maximum. In exceptional years, such as 2006-2009, the peak rates were on par with the Perseids (50-75 per hour). Recent displays have produced low to average displays of this shower. In 2025, a waning crescent moon will rise near dawn and will not affect the shower at all..

Shower details - Radiant: 06:25 +15.8° - ZHR: 20 - Velocity: 41 miles/sec (swift - 66km/sec) - Parent Object: 1P/Halley

Next Peak - The Orionids will next peak on the Oct 22-23, 2025 night. On this night, the moon will be 2% full.

Next Peak night
Nov 3-4, 2025

Southern Taurids (STA)

Active from October 13th to November 27th, 2025

The Southern Taurids are a complex shower made up of two main components, the annual component which peaks on October 14th and the fireball swarm component which peaks on November 4th. Since 2025 is a swarm year, we will list November 4th as the peak. The Taurids (both branches) are rich in fireballs and are often responsible for increased number of fireball reports from September through November.

Shower details - Radiant: 03:34 +14.5° - ZHR: 5 - Velocity: 17.7 miles/sec (slow - 28.5km/sec) - Parent Object: 2P/Encke

Next Peak - The Southern Taurids will next peak on the Nov 3-4, 2025 night. On this night, the moon will be 96% full.

Next Peak night
Nov 8-9, 2025

Northern Taurids (NTA)

Active from October 13th to December 1st, 2025

This shower is much like the Southern Taurids, just active a bit later in the year. When the two showers are active simultaneously in late October and early November, there is sometimes a notable increase in the fireball activity.

Shower details - Radiant: 03:53 +22.2° - ZHR: 5 - Velocity: 17.6 miles/sec (slow - 28.3km/sec) - Parent Object: 2P/Encke

Next Peak - The Northern Taurids will next peak on the Nov 8-9, 2025 night. On this night, the moon will be 83% full.

Next Peak night
Nov 16-17, 2025

Leonids (LEO)

Active from November 3rd to December 2nd, 2025

The Leonids are best known for producing meteor storms in the years of 1833, 1866, 1966, 1999, 2001 and 2002. These outbursts of meteor activity are best seen when the parent object, comet 55P/Tempel-Tuttle, is near perihelion (closest approach to the sun). Yet it is not the fresh material we see from the comet, but rather debris from earlier returns that also happen to be most dense at the same time. Unfortunately, it appears that the earth will not encounter any dense clouds of debris until 2099. Therefore, when the comet returns in 2031 and 2064, there may not be any meteor storms, but perhaps several good displays of Leonid activity when rates are in excess of 100 per hour. Each passing year also presents new possibilities from old debris fields. In 2024, the waning gibbous moon will rise during the late evening hours and will spoil the best viewing hours for this shower.

Shower details - Radiant: 10:16 +21.8° - ZHR: 15 - Velocity: 43.5 miles/sec (swift - 69.7km/sec) - Parent Object: 55P/Tempel-Tuttle

Next Peak - The Leonids will next peak on the Nov 16-17, 2025 night. On this night, the moon will be 9% full.

Next Peak night
Dec 12-13, 2025

Geminids (GEM)

Active from December 1st to December 21st, 2025

The Geminids are usually the strongest meteor shower of the year and meteor enthusiasts are certain to circle December 13 and 14 on their calendars. This is the one major shower that provides good activity prior to midnight as the constellation of Gemini is well placed from 22:00 onward. The Geminids are often bright and intensely colored. Due to their medium-slow velocity, persistent trains are not usually seen. These meteors are also seen in the southern hemisphere, but only during the middle of the night and at a reduced rate. In 2025, the moon will have a waning crescent phase on December 13/14, which rises near 2am local standard time. Observations prior to this time will be moon-free. Observations after moon rise can still be successful by facing westward with the rising moon at your back. .

Shower details - Radiant: 07:33 +32.4° - ZHR: 150 - Velocity: 21 miles/sec (medium - 33.8km/sec) - Parent Object: 3200 Phaethon (asteroid)

Next Peak - The Geminids will next peak on the Dec 12-13, 2025 night. On this night, the moon will be 39% full.

Next Peak night
Dec 21-22, 2025

Ursids (URS)

Active from December 16th to December 26th, 2025

The Ursids are often neglected due to the fact it peaks just before Christmas and the rates are much less than the Geminds, which peaks just a week before the Ursids. Observers will normally see 5-10 Ursids per hour during the late morning hours on the date of maximum activity. There have been occasional outbursts when rates have exceeded 25 per hour. These outbursts appear unrelated to the perihelion dates of comet 8P/Tuttle. This shower is strictly a northern hemisphere event as the radiant fails to clear the horizon or does so simultaneously with the start of morning twilight as seen from the southern tropics.In 2024, a half-illuminated moon will be present in the morning sky and will obscure the fainter meteors.

Shower details - Radiant: 14:38 +75.4° - ZHR: 10 - Velocity: 20.5 miles/sec (medium - 33.1km/sec) - Parent Object: 8P/Tuttle

Next Peak - The Ursids will next peak on the Dec 21-22, 2025 night. On this night, the moon will be 3% full.