IMC 2003 - Location Bollmannsruh

The IMC Venue

The International Meteor Conference (IMC) takes place about 40 km west of Berlin, or about 20 km northeast of the city of Brandenburg at lake Beetzsee. This is a chain of lakes reaching from Brandenburg about 30 km northeastwards. They are surrounded by rural areas and some small villages. One of the favourite locations for observers of the Arbeitskreis Meteore (AKM) is located in a neighbouring village (Ketzür, VMDB site code 11181).
The IMC venue is a holiday resort for young people: "Kinder- Jugend und Bildungsstätte (KJB) Bollmannsruh". Hence it does not provide hotel standard for the accomodation. Participants who whish to stay in a hotel instead can book in the Hotel Bollmannsruh, less than 10 minutes walking distance at the same lake. (In this case you should contact the organizers for IMC payment details and arrange the hotel booking yourself. This can be done on the hotel's web page )
Accomodation is provided in bungalows with shower and toilet and a winter garden.
We will use a large lecture room and stage for (nominally) 120 people, which allows to include the posters in the room. Further, we will use the lobby outside the lecture room for poster presentations and breaks.
A cafe and bar are in the same building. Have a look at our recent images.
The KJB has a large parking area as well as facilities for campfire and barbecue and, last but not least, an open air stage.

Weather Conditions

In September, the weather is changeable as always in Central Europe. Hence you should be prepared for sunny days as well as for rain. However, in a number of years the period of end September is still warm and sunny. Temperatures are never below freezing and snow has never occurred at this time. (We got the earliest day with snow on ground on 13 October 2002 in Potsdam, where weather is recorded since 1893.) The average afternoon temperature is about 18 deg C, in the nights you may expect about 8 deg C on average. Swimming in the lake is possible (water temperature depends on the summer, may be about 15 deg C).

  Other Information

General information (main page)
airport - train connections - will follow
Berlin - Brandenburg railway connections
road information
preliminary program of the IMC 2003

  Map of the area 
Maps of the Bollmannsruh area

  Images of the KJB  
NEW: Images of Bollmannsruh