International Meteor Conference 2003

Maps - how to travel to Bollmannsruh

The conference venue Bollmannsruh is situated northeast of the city of Brandenburg. Here we provide information for participants travelling by car. We will put the IMC logo to several places as a kind of signposting - so look for this sign.

1. Coming from the West (Hannover, Magdeburg) along the A2/E30

leave the A2/E30 at the exit 78 Brandenburg
drive on the B102 to the town of Brandenburg
We have prepared detailed information for your tour through the city of Brandenburg and further to Bollmannsruh.
Please have a look at the illustrated tour through Brandenburg with detailed hints and descriptions.

2. From the South (Munich, Leipzig) along the A9/E51

reaching the A10 ("Berliner Ring") drive in direction "Magdeburg"
2 exits later leave the A10 and join the A2/E30 ("Magdeburg is signposted)
leave the A2/E30 at the exit 78 Brandenburg
further as described in section 1

3. From the Southeast (Dresden) along the A13/E55

reaching the A10 ("Berliner Ring") drive in direction "Magdeburg"
leave the A10 at the A2/E30 junction ("Magdeburg is signposted)
leave the A2/E30 at the exit 78 Brandenburg
further as described in section 1

4. From the East (Frankfurt/Oder) along the A12/E30

reaching the A10 ("Berliner Ring") drive in direction "Magdeburg"
leave the A10 at the A2/E30 junction ("Magdeburg is signposted)
leave the A2/E30 at the exit 78 Brandenburg
further as described in section 1

5. From the Northeast (Sczceczin, Prenzlau) along the A11/E28

reaching the A10 ("Berliner Ring") drive in direction "Potsdam, Magdeburg"
leave the A10 at the A2/E30 junction ("Magdeburg is signposted)
leave the A2/E30 at the exit 78 Brandenburg
further as described in section 1

6. From the Northwest (Hamburg) and North (Rostock) along the A24/E26

reaching the A10 ("Berliner Ring") drive in direction "Potsdam, Magdeburg"
leave the A10 at the A2/E30 junction ("Magdeburg" is signposted)
leave the A2/E30 at the exit 78 Brandenburg
further as described in section 1

7. Alternative route for 5. and 6. (small quiet roads)

reaching "Dreieck Havelland" (=junction A10 and A24) go into direction "Potsdam"
leave the A10 at exit 25 "Potsdam Nord" to the B273, direction "Nauen"
go about 5 km northwest to Falkenrehde
Please have a look at the illustrated tour along this rural road with detailed hints and descriptions.


Road map of the region between Magdeburg and Berlin. The location of the 2003 IMC is indicated by an arrow. For details see the next map.

Region of the 2003 IMC northeast of the town Brandenburg/Havel. Further information about the access of the conference venue is given above.