IMO Event#2449-2017 – Heat map and trajectory – Credit: IMO/AMS.

On July 30, 2017, around 04h53 UT (July 29, 9:53pm PDT), a bright fireball was widely observed over the states of Washington, Montana, Idaho, Oregon, and British Columbia (Canada): at the present time, more than 770 reports of this event have been sent to the IMO and the AMS (American Meteor Society).

From the automatic analysis of the numerous reports, the approximate trajectory of the fireball can be deduced. It thus seems it traveled over the North-Western part of Washington state, 50 km East of Seattle, with a South-South-East to North-North-East direction (azimuth ~ 332Ā°).

The event has been caught on video by E. Cocking:

If you witnessed this event and/or if you have a video or a photo of this event, pleaseĀ submit an Official Fireball Report.

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