Impressive fireball photographed a little ways down the coast Lulworth Cove, England, on 2022 April 9, at 02h41m UT. Photo courtesy: Alison Fairley.

The April 2022 issue of the IMO Journal is now in print. It will be mailed shortly and subscribers can also immediately access the journal in PDF format. The contents this month:

  • Editorial — Call for papers
    J. Kac
  • IMO Meteor Shower Calendar for 2023
    J. Rendtel
  • Meteor Observer Handbook – new edition 2022
    J. Rendtel
  • Jupiter Family Meteor Showers by SonotaCo Network Observations
    Y. Shiba
  • The role of meteoric influx and the geomagnetic disturbance on the seasonal forming of sporadic E over Europe
    W. Kaufmann
  • Result of the IMO Video Meteor Network – Third Quarter 2019
    S. Molau, S. Crivello, R. Goncalves, C. Saraiva, E. Stomeo, J. Strunk, J. Kac

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