The December 2021 issue of the IMO Journal is now in print. It will be mailed shortly and subscribers can also immediately access the journal in PDF format. The contents this month:
- From the Treasurer — IMO Membership/WGN Subscription Renewal for 2022
M. Gyssens - Observing the Hayabusa-2 Capsule Re-entry over Australia
E. K. Sansom et al - Tests with a basic ablation and dark flight calculator
F. Bettonvil, D. Bettonvil - Minimizing biases of luminous efficiency determinations based on FRIPON data
T. Ott, E. Drolshagen, D. Koschny, G. Drolshagen, J. Vaubaillon, F. Colas, and B. Poppe - Observations (from 2016 to 2020) of the Geminids from different regions of Russia by an amateur astronomer
F. Romanov - Status of the IAU Meteor Data Center
R. Rudawska, M. Hajduková, T.J. Jopek, L. Neslušan, M. Jakubík, J. Svoreň - Meteor showers: from D-criteria to a chaos map
A. Courtot, J. Vaubaillon, M. Fouchard - Meteor observation with the DIMS project: sensor calibration and first results
D. Barghini et al. – DIMS Collaboration - Meteorix — A new processing chain for real-time detection and tracking of meteors from space
M. Millet, N. Rambaux, A. Petreto, F. Lemaitre, L. Lacassagne - MALBEC: discrepancy between expected and observed number of meteors for stratospheric cameras
J. Vaubaillon, A. Rietze, D. Zilkova - Collection of micrometeorites in the stratosphere
J. Nováková, M. Valíček, A. Buček, D. Velič - Reconstructing meteoroid trajectories using BRAMS data
H. Lamy, J. Balis, M. Anciaux - Spectral Calibration of Meteors: An Elevation-Dependent Atmospheric Correction
S. Vicinanza, D. Koschny, R. Rudawska, D. Stam, W. van der Wal, J. Zender - What just happened? Facilitating Cooperation Between Fireball Networks
J. Rowe