- In Memoriam: Ichiro Hasegawa (1928 – 2016) (M. Ueda)
- Quadrantids 2016: observations of a short pre-maximum peak (J. Rendtel, H. Ogawa, H, Sugimoto)
- A search for undiscovered meteor showers: discovery of the September epsilon Draconids (R. Gorelli)
- Results of the IMO Video Meteor Network — February 2016 (S. Molau, S. Crivello, R. Goncalves, C. Saraiva, E. Stomeo, J. Kac)
- Results of the IMO Video Meteor Network — March 2016, and discussion about the meteor limiting magnitude (S. Molau, S. Crivello, R. Goncalves, C. Saraiva, E. Stomeo, J. Kac)