The August 2016 issue of the IMO Journal is now in print. It will be mailed shortly and subscribers can also immediately access the journal in PDF format. The contents this month:

  • In Memoriam: Ichiro Hasegawa (1928 – 2016) (M. Ueda)
  • Quadrantids 2016: observations of a short pre-maximum peak (J. Rendtel, H. Ogawa, H, Sugimoto)
  • A search for undiscovered meteor showers: discovery of the September epsilon Draconids (R. Gorelli)
  • Results of the IMO Video Meteor Network — February 2016 (S. Molau, S. Crivello, R. Goncalves, C. Saraiva, E. Stomeo, J. Kac)
  • Results of the IMO Video Meteor Network — March 2016, and discussion about the meteor limiting magnitude (S. Molau, S. Crivello, R. Goncalves, C. Saraiva, E. Stomeo, J. Kac)

Front cover image: Perseid fireball on 2016 August 10 from the National Astronomical Observatory Rozhen in Bulgaria. Photo courtesy: Viktoria Mircheva.

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