WGN 43-2

The April 2015 issue of the IMO Journal is now in print. It will be mailed shortly and subscribers can also immediately access the journal in PDF format. The contents this month:

  • From the Treasurer – Supporting Members 2014 (M. Gyssens)
  • The IMO Support Fund (IMO Council)
  • Enhanced kappa-Cygnid activity 2014 (J. Rendtel, S. Molau)
  • Results of the IMO Video Meteor Network – November 2014 (S. Molau, J. Kac, S. Crivello, E. Stomeo, G. Barentsen, R. Goncalves, C. Saraiva, M. Maciewski, M. Maslov)
  • Results of the IMO Video Meteor Network – December 2014 (S. Molau, J. Kac, S. Crivello, E. Stomeo, G. Barentsen, R. Goncalves, C. Saraiva, M. Maciewski, M. Maslov)

Front cover photo: Bright fireball over the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) in the Chilean Andes. Credit: ESO/Christoph Malin.

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