WGN 42-6

The December 2014 issue of the IMO Journal is now in print. It will be mailed shortly and subscribers can also immediately access the journal in PDF format. The contents this month:

  • From the Treasurer – IMO Membership/WGN Subscription Renewal for 2015 (M. Gyssens)
  • Solar Longitudes for 2015 (R. Arlt)
  • Details of the Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference, Giron, France, 18–21 September 2014 (J.-L. Rault, P. Roggemans)
  • A possible new shower on Eridanus-Orion border (D. Šegon, P. Gural, Ž. Andreić, D. Vida, I. Skokić, F. Novoselnik, L. Gržinić)
  • Observation of April alpha Capricornids (IAU#752 AAC) (SonotaCo, C. Shimoda, H. Inoue, T. Masuzawa, M. Sato)
  • Results of CMN 2013 search for new showers across CMN and SonotaCo databases III (D. Šegon, Ž. Andreić, P. Gural, I. Skokić, K. Korlević, D. Vida, F. Novoselnik, D. Gostinski)
  • Results of the IMO Video Meteor Network – July 2014 (S. Molau, J. Kac, S. Crivello, E. Stomeo, G. Barentsen, R. Goncalves, A. Igaz, C. Saraiva, M. Maciewski, M. Maslov)

Front cover photo: Bright fireball on 2014 February 24 at 01h45m UT from Milton, VT, USA. Photo courtesy: Ethan Rogati.

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