WGN 42-3

The June 2014 issue of the IMO Journal is now in print. It will be mailed shortly and subscribers can also immediately access the journal in PDF format. The contents this month:

  • News from the IMO Commissions (C. Verbeeck)
  • Photographic Commission: Future Plans (B. Ward)
  • Visual meteor observation data handling (J. Rendtel, G. Barentsen)
  • Call for observations of kappa-Cygnids in 2014 (WGN Editorial board)
  • Results of CMN 2013 search for new showers across CMN and SonotaCo databases I (Z. Andreic, P. Gural, D. Segon, I. Skokic, K. Korlevic, D. Vida, F. Novoselnik, D. Gostinski)
  • Camelopardalids (IAU#451) from comet 209P/LINEAR (P. Jenniskens)
  • Exceptionally Persistent Fireball Over the British Isles, 2012 September 21, 21h55m-21h58m UT (A. McBeath, E. Lyytinen, M. Langbroek, R. D. Matson)
  • Results of the IMO Video Meteor Network – February 2014 (S. Molau, J. Kac, S. Crivello, E. Stomeo, G. Barentsen, R. Goncalves, A. Igaz)
  • Results of the IMO Video Meteor Network – March 2014 (S. Molau, J. Kac, S. Crivello, E. Stomeo, G. Barentsen, R. Goncalves, A. Igaz)
  • Determination of the maximum of the Geminid meteor shower from visual observation (J. Drga, M. Janek)

Front cover photo: Frame-by-frame development of a Camelopardalid on 2014 May 24 at 01h58m08s UT. Original recording by Peter C. Slansky; compilation by Jim Albers and Peter Jenniskens.

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