Some IMO Members all on the same boat…

We are proud to announce the launch of the new website of the International Meteor Organization, which you are currently visiting.
The website has been totally redesigned and developed by Mike Hankey and Vincent Perlerin using WordPress and other enhancement programs.

We’ve created a brand new team of experts behind the website. Karl Antier is our new webmaster (webmaster@imo.net) and oversees the website management. Vincent Perlerin is in charge of website development. His experience will assure that the new website will be on the cutting edge of informational technology. Long time IMO members found the old website static with major updates only occurring during major events. In order to make certain the new IMO website is a vibrant place with recent news about meteors and upcoming meteor showers, a new team of news editors was set up (Karl Antier, Jure Atanackov, Antonio Martínez Picar, and Nassia Smeets). You can help these people by suggesting news items for the IMO website by sending a mail to newsitems@imo.net.

We also recruited meteor experts Karl Antier, Chris Peterson and Jingyuan Zhao to answer meteor questions from beginners using the e-mail address info@imo.net.
Of course, our new site offers everything that was already on the old website: information about meteors and meteor showers, how to observe meteors, IMO’s meteor shower calendar, meteor software and databases, information about IMO’s International Meteor Conference, about IMO’s journal WGN, about IMO itself and much more.
So what’s new?

  1. Any visitor of the IMO website can now create a user account. If you are IMO member, a user account has already been set up for you! You just need to generate a password. Your user account enables a much more involved interaction with other meteor workers: you can access all your visual observations, upload pictures and videos, comment on posts, edit your profile, etc. Don’t forget to check this out!
  2. A brand new online visual form and Visual Meteor Data Base, containing visual data from 1982 till now. A dynamic and user-friendly interface shows general observing statistics and allows you to access e.g., all your visual observation sessions, all visual observations in a particular year, or all observations of a particular meteor stream in a particular year. Any data you consult will be plotted and shown in tabular form. All data is freely available for download, too.
  3. A link to the online fireball form, with the latest events displayed on the main page.
  4. Bob Lunsford’s weekly update on meteor showers: Meteor Activity of the Week.
  5. WGN: everyone can download old issues (1987-2014); IMO members can download the two most recent volumes (provided they were IMO member in 2015 and 2016).
  6. 6) Renewed IMO shop: easy ordering of IMO publications.

    7) Easy renewal of your IMO membership. IMO members receive 6 issues of WGN per year (you can choose between electronic only or electronic + paper version).

    8) Easy online voting for IMO’s voting bulletins and elections. Of course exclusively for IMO members.

    This achievement was only possible thanks to the extraordinary efforts of Mike Hankey and Vincent Perlerin. The IMO Council is very grateful for their exceptional contribution to IMO. A lot of testing, proofreading and updates were done in the process by Marc Gyssens, Cis Verbeeck, Karl Antier, Sirko Molau, Jürgen Rendtel, Rainer Arlt, Bob Lunsford, Bill Ward, Geert Barentsen, and Luc Bastiaens. Many thanks to all these people, to the news editors and info team, and to all people we may have forgotten!

    We wish you a lot of fun visiting the new IMO website, and are interested in any feedback you may have.

    Warm recommendation: check out IMO’s Facebook page: (currently 800+ fans) and follow us on Twitter: @IMOmeteors (currently 1300+ followers).

    Do you want to be an editor for the IMO website too? Just send a mail to webmaster@imo.net or cis.verbeeck@scarlet.be.


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