As an update of the first preliminary analysis of the 2004 Perseids based on visual observations, this is a refined graph with almost 500 observing periods.

The peak time of the 1-revolution dust trail pre- dicted by Lyytinen can be narrowed down to the period 20:45 UT to 21:10 UT. This encloses the predicted time of 20:54 UT on August 11. A plateau- like maximum of 20-25 minutes duration has not changed anymore after adding the last 100 observing periods. The activity level was ZHR=170.

The traditional maximum is not yet well covered. The dip of ZHR=75 may not be significant since systematical errors may exceed the given statistical error greatly (very small number of observers).

Until now, the following observers contribute to the curve (forgive me if you are missing; I am working on):

Rainer Arlt (Germany), Roberto Bacci (Italy), Lukas Bolz (Germany), Michael Boschat (Canada), Dustin Brown (USA), Sietse Dijkstra (the Netherlands), Audrius Dubietis (Lithuania), Daniel Grun (Germany), Amir Hasanzadeh (Iran), Takema Hashimoto (Japan), Jan Hattenbach (Germany), Andre Knofel (Germany), Dovile Kraulaidiene (Lithuania), Ralf Kuschnik (Germany), Marco Langbroek (the Netherlands), Peter van Leuteren (the Netherlands), Mike Linnolt (USA), Robert Lunsford (USA), Vladimir Lukic (USA), Hartwig Luthen (Germany), Christophe Marlot (France), Felix A. Martinez (USA), Mikhail Maslov (Russia), Bruce McCurdy (Canada), Huan Meng (China), Sirko Molau (Germany), Thom Morgan (USA), Norman W. McLeod (USA), Sven Nather (Germany), Daniel van Os (the Netherlands), Jurgen Rendtel (Germany), Petra Rendtel (Germany), Eini Shlomi (Israel), Shigeo Uchiyama (Japan), Oliver Wusk (Germany), Jurga Zieniute (Lithuania)

  Date (UT) Time Solarlong nINT nPER ZHR  
  Aug 11.353 08:28 138.946  6 137  37 +- 3  
  Aug 11.723 17:21 139.301  10 120  86 +- 8  
  Aug 11.780 18:43 139.356  11  69  71 +- 8  
  Aug 11.834 20:01 139.408  12  69 122 +- 15  
  Aug 11.850 20:24 139.423  19 136 154 +- 13  
  Aug 11.860 20:38 139.433  18 139 128 +- 11  
  Aug 11.865 20:46 139.438  22 141 176 +- 15  
  Aug 11.872 20:56 139.445  20 146 165 +- 14  
  Aug 11.879 21:06 139.451  27 197 173 +- 12  
  Aug 11.886 21:16 139.458  22 112 118 +- 11  
  Aug 11.893 21:26 139.465  24 114 105 +- 10  
  Aug 11.900 21:36 139.471  18 129 105 +- 9  
  Aug 11.909 21:49 139.480  33 101  63 +- 6  
  Aug 11.928 22:16 139.498  28 218  81 +- 5  
  Aug 11.949 22:47 139.518  24 224  83 +- 6  
  Aug 11.969 23:15 139.538  29 348  95 +- 5  
  Aug 11.991 23:47 139.559  26 334 109 +- 6  
  Aug 12.012 00:17 139.579  19 219 103 +- 7  
  Aug 12.033 00:48 139.599  24 336 121 +- 7  
  Aug 12.053 01:16 139.618  20 304 132 +- 8  
  Aug 12.079 01:54 139.643  22 339 128 +- 7  
  Aug 12.210 05:02 139.769  8 123  75 +- 7  
  Aug 12.347 08:20 139.901  12 683 110 +- 4  
  Aug 12.495 11:53 140.043  11  88 103 +- 11  
  r = 2.0 was assumed, solar longitudes refer to J2000.0.

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