A short and strong outburst of the gamma Draconids occurred close to midnight UT on July 27/28, 2016. It was detected by CAMS Benelux and the CMOR radar and confirmed by preliminary video data from the IMO network.

CAMS BeNeLux recorded an outburst of gamma Draconids around 0h UT on July 28. Due to clouds, only 2 stations were active. In half an hour, 5 multi station gamma Draconids were recorded. More than 50 single camera stream members were registered in less than 2 hours.
The CMOR radar near London, Ontario, Canada detected a fairly strong outburst from the gamma Draconids with a FWHM of about 2 hours duration around 0h UT on July 28. The peak ZHR derived by CMOR was about 50 between 0h and 1h UT (corrected to a meteor limiting magnitude of +6.5).
A first preliminary data set from the IMO network end of July 2016 (just 26 cameras) confirms a really short and strong outburst of the gamma Draconids close to midnight UT on Jan 27/28 with peak flux densities of 30 meteoroids / (1000 km^2 and hour) and a FWHM of roughly one hour. Given that r=3.0 (which is a guess and needs to be checked later), the peak eZHR was between 30 and 40.
The IMO Network ZHR and meteoroid flux density are provided in the figures below. More detailed results will be provided later, when more data are available. See also http://meteorflux.io.