
In view of the risks and evolving policies regarding COVID-19, IMO and the Local Organizing Committee cannot guarantee the successful organization of the IMC 2020. Hence, we have decided to cancel the IMC 2020 in Hungary.

People who had already registered will get a total refund of the money they have paid for their participation in the IMC 2020. If COVID circumstances allow, the IMC 2021 will take place in Hungary, at the place where the IMC 2020 was originally planned to take place.

We regret that the IMC 2020 will not take place in a physical way. In order to accommodate the need to present new results to the meteor community, we organize a one-day online IMC on Saturday September 19. In order to register for attendance of the online IMC, please send an e-mail to, mentioning your name, affiliation and country.

In case you want to present a talk, please add the authors, title, abstract and duration (10 minutes max without questions). The deadline for both registration and submitting an abstract is September 5, but please submit asap because the time leading up to the IMC is very short now.

The IMC 2020 will be held online using the free Zoom software on Saturday, September 19.

Oral and poster contributions are welcomed.

  • Posters will be uploaded as PDF files (5 MB max) at the IMC 2020 website, and will be discussed during the Zoom meeting.
  • Talks will be given by PPTs via Zoom for a maximum duration of 10 min.

Proceeding will be also compiled after the meeting, contributing authors are encouraged to submit their work to WGN before October 20, and will be published in a special issue of WGN (contact: – see submission instructions).

Further details will be published in the middle of August.

We hope to meet you at the online IMC on September 19!
The IMO Council, and the IMC 2020 LOC and SOC

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