
In conjunction with the new IMO website, it has been decided to create an IMO forum so that those interested in meteors can easily share information on a variety of subjects related to meteors. In addition to text messages, the forum allows very easy sharing of pictures and links in posts. If you want to share a video, we suggest that you upload it in your profile and then link to there in your forum post.

The forum will be segregated into different topics so that you do not have to browse through material that is not of interest to you. These topics will cover: General Discussions on Meteors, News and Announcements, Meteor Showers, Fireballs, Verbal Descriptions of Visual Observations, Video Observations, Radio Observations, and lastly the International Meteor Organization and the International Meteor Conference.

Please note that the forum is not intended to replace the IMO’s visual observation form. Numerical data of visual observations can be shared on the forum but this data must also be listed on the visual observation form in order to be included in any interval analysis.

To access the IMO forum, you need to be a registered user of the IMO website and obtain a username and password. All current IMO members are already registered users. It is not necessary to become an IMO member to use the forum, though!

New users need to register using the link in the upper right corner of the page. Once you have registered you can proceed directly to the login link, also located in the upper right corner of the page. Once logged in you can access information and to contribute your own message.

We hope you find the IMO forum useful and look forward to your contributions. We also value your ideas and comments on how to make the IMO forum more useful to you.

Happy Geminid observations and clear skies!


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