On the weekend there was a nice fireball over the western-central Mediterranean Sea.
It occured on 16 August 2019 at 20:44 UT (22:44 CEST) and was widely visible. There are reports of the bright phaenomenon from France, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, and Tunisia.

IMO collected over 90 reports so far.

IMO reports of the fireball from 19 August 2019. Sightings from as far away as Switzerland were reported.
IMO reports of the fireball from 19 August 2019. Sightings from as far away as Switzerland were reported.

According to severe-weater.eu was the fireball “[…]likely significantly brighter than the full Moon, indicating a sizeable incoming meteoroid. It was a long-duration event, lasting over 4 seconds. The meteor reached peak brightness in a series of bright flares, which appear to have resulted in fragmentation of the meteoroid […]”.
The brightness is obvious in this video taken with a dashcam.

The entering asteroid was so big that it released an estimated energy of 0.1 kt TNT into the atmosphere and was detected on the infrasound surveys of the CTBTO. The stations I48TN and I42PT recorded related signals with an average period of about 2.5 s based on preliminary results.

With a velocity of 14 km/s and a density of 3000 kg/m³ the entering asteroid has a size of about 1.4 m. This corresponds with a mass of more than 4 t.

Asteroid size with a human for scale.
Asteroid size with a human for scale.

If you witnessed this event and/or if you have a video or a photo of this event,
Submit an Official Fireball Report
(available in 36 languages)

If you want to learn more about Fireballs: read our Fireball FAQ.


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