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The Lyrids are expected to peak on 2010 April 22 around 17h UT (ZHR ~20). Past observations have shown the maximum time to be variable from year to year; in 2010 the peak could occur between 9h and 21h UT on April 22, but observations in the days before and after the peak are also worthwile. The radiant of this shower, between Lyra and Hercules, rises during the night. Watches can be usefully carried out from about 22h30m local time onwards from mid-northern sites, but only from well after midnight from the mid-southern hemisphere. On April 22, the waxing gibbous Moon will set between 1h and 2h UT for most northern sites. More information about this shower can be found in the 2010 Shower Calendar.

Visual observations can be reported through the Report Form and are highly appreciated. The observations are automatically included in an automated ZHR graph.

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