A total of 179 visual observing periods have been collected
for the 2004 Leonid meteor shower. An updated activity pro-
file is given below. The data indicate a broad background
component with ZHRs of the order of 20-30. More data will
be necessary to decide upon the significance of the ZHRs
above 30 near Nov 17, 22h UT and Nov 18, 23h UT.

  Date (UT) Time Solarlong nINT nLEO ZHR  
  Nov 08.971 23:18 226.834  8  3  7 +- 4  
  Nov 09.021 00:30 226.885  6  5  8 +- 3  
  Nov 12.208 04:60 230.089  5  8  4 +- 1  
  Nov 14.230 05:31 232.125  1  2 (13) +- 8  
  Nov 15.984 23:37 233.893  7  12  5 +- 1  
  Nov 16.862 20:41 234.778  9  51  17 +- 2  
  Nov 17.484 11:37 235.405  5  28  9 +- 2  
  Nov 17.916 21:59 235.841  20 120  36 +- 3  
  Nov 18.066 01:35 235.992  22  55  20 +- 3  
  Nov 18.420 10:05 236.349  5  30  12 +- 2  
  Nov 18.962 23:05 236.896  22 120  34 +- 3  
  Nov 19.073 01:45 237.008  25 100  28 +- 3  
  Nov 19.367 08:48 237.305  14 177  21 +- 2  
  Nov 19.826 19:49 237.768  5  22  20 +- 4  
  Nov 19.895 21:29 237.838  4  24  26 +- 5  
  Nov 20.010 00:14 237.954  8  33  25 +- 4  
  Nov 20.080 01:55 238.025  7  42  18 +- 3  
  Nov 20.800 19:12 238.751  2  16  22 +- 5  
  Nov 21.487 11:41 239.445  4  4  2 +- 1  

The activity profile is based on the observing periods by Alexandre Amorim (Brazil), Lars Bakman (Denmark), Ricardas Balciunas (Lithania), Pete Bias (USA), Andreas Buchmann (Switzerland), Vladimir Burgic (Serbia), Tibor Csorgei (Slovakia), Jelena Djuricin (Serbia), Robin Gray (USA), Takema Hashimoto (Japan), Robert Haver (Italy), Srdjan Keca (Serbia), Ralf Koschack (Germany), Rhishikesh Kulkarni (India), Peter van Leuteren (the Netherlands), Ming-hui Liang (China), Robert Lunsford (USA), Qiang Ma (China), Adam Marsh (Australia), Pierre Martin (Canada), Mikhail Maslov (Russia), Alastair McBeath (UK), Norman McLeod (USA), Huan Meng (China), Ivica Mihaljevic (Serbia), Jens O. Olesen (Denmark), Carles Pineda Ferre (Spain), Jurgen Rendtel (Germany), Branislav Savic (Serbia), George Spalding (UK), Wesley Stone (USA), Ouyang Tianjing (China), Shigeo Uchiyama (Japan), Michel Vandeputte (Belgium), Quanzhi Ye (China), Menglin Zhang (China), Jin Zhu (China).

The solar longitudes refer to equinox J2000.0, ZHRs are
computed with a population index of r=2.0.

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