From June 7th through 10th 2007 the International Meteor Organization will hold its annual International Meteor Conference (IMC) in Barège, France. Both professional and amateur astronomers will lecture about the latest results of their work in meteor science. The IMC is also a time where meteor enthousiasts tighten and renew their friendship.

Please send us your questions or comments. Please try to register quickly especially if you want to travel with the rest of the group from Barège to Barcelona on June 10th.

Before the actual conference, the participants will have a chance to attend the Radio Meteor School where we will have lectures on the physical and mathematical theory of radio meteor observations.

Every 4 years a conference is organized on meteoroids and all the topics related to inter panetary dust, called Meteoroids. This year it will be held in Barcelona on 11-15 June, right after IMC. There will be a bus ride organized on Sunday 10th from Baréges to Barcelona.

The IMC 2007 is organized by IMCCE, Institut de Mécanique Céleste et de Calcul des Ephémérides, Paris Observatory, Observatoire Midi-Pyrennees and AUDE Association des Utilisateurs de Détetecteurs Electronique.

Lecturers are requested to submit their contribution to the Proceedings before the 15th of October.

See you in june!

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