Financial Support to Participants of the 2003 IMC


communicated by the IMO Council, published in
WGN, the IMO Journal, vol. 31, no. 3, p. 76

As last year, the IMO makes available funding to support attendance
at the 2003 International Meteor Conference (IMC).
If you wish to apply for support, proceed as follows:

   E-mail your application to the IMO President, Jürgen Rendtel,
   at The application must be submitted by an
   IMO member, but may also request support for other meteor workers.
   The proposal must state that all the candidates are
   committed to attend the IMC (except for unforeseen circumstances)
   if the requested support is granted in full.

   An IMC Registration Form for each of the persons for whom support
   is requested should be returned for the application to be valid,
   unless such a form has already been sent.
   The application must also contain a brief curriculum vitae of each
   of these persons, focusing on aspects
   relevant to meteor work. Supported participants are expected to
   present either a talk or a poster at the IMC (to be indicated on the
   Registration Form).
   The application must explain the motivation for attending the IMC
   and the importance of it to the person or group of persons
   requesting support.
   The application must contain a budget for travel costs and
   registration, and the amount of support requested from the IMO.
   Other sources of external support, or their absence, must be
   mentioned. Finally, the proposal must also indicate to what extent
   support is essential for being able to attend the IMC.
   The applications should reach the President no later than 
   2003 July 31. The decision of the IMO Council will be made
   within a week after the this deadline.
   If the requested support is accorded in full, the
   registration forms become final. If the requested support is not
   accorded, or only partially accorded, the candidates should inform
   the President within three weeks after notification of the IMO
   Council's decision if they want to sustain or withdraw their
   registration. The accorded support will be paid in cash at the IMC.
   Any unpaid registration fees will be deducted from the amount paid
   to the candidates.

Should the application be turned down, the standard conference fee
(i.e. without the surcharge for late application)
will still apply.

We strongly encourage all meteor workers who are motivated to attend
the 2003 IMC, but who are prevented to do so by financial
considerations, to make use of this opportunity and to apply for


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