- 24th meeting
- IMC 2005 Website
- Local organizers: Cis Verbeeck and Jan Verbert (Public Observatory Urania).
- 91 participants from 22 countries: Argentina (1), Belgium (22), Bulgaria (3), Canada (1), China (2), Croatia (2), France (2), Germany (8), Ireland (1), Italy (1), Japan (2), Macedonia (1), the Netherlands (16), Poland (7), Romania (5), Russia (2), Serbia (1), Slovakia (1), Slovenia (6), Spain (2), U.K.(4) and Venezuela (1).
- 55 presentations (37 lectures, 18 posters) of which 29 were included in the Proceedings.
- IMC 2005 Proceedings (ISBN 978-2-87355-016-3): 195 pages (eds. Luc Bastiaens, Jan Verbert, Jean-Marc Wislez, Cis Verbeeck).
- Contents: Radio Meteor School – forward scatter – Perseids 2005 – kappa-Cygnid radiant – video observations – all-sky Networks – meteor poetry – the song of the IMC – martian meteors – light pollution – Leonids mass distribution – meteor-shower evolution – meteor trajectory – ancient Chinese records – unified Meteor Database.
- Participation fee 120 Euro.
A new feature in 2005 was the Radio Meteor School that preceeded the IMC at the same location (and for which a special additional Proceedings volume was published). Never before at an IMC were so many nations represented. The excursion brought the participants to the old city of Lier with its astronomical clock museum (Zimmer Tower). The Immy symbol, the IMC song, the conference centre in the middle of a forest, the enthusiasm of the Astro-show (with participants from nine countries), the hospitality of Tom Roelandts and his family for an informal Saturday evening with pancakes and warm wine in their garden (accompanied by guitarist-astronomers from four countries), the artistic festivity dedicated to Marc Gyssens (one of the IMO co-founders and councillors, after whom an asteroid has been named), and the efforts of the perfect organization by the Urania team, made this IMC an unforgettable experience.
Acknowledgement: We thank Rainer Arlt, Antonio Martinez, Jos Nijland, Casper ter Kuile and Jean-Marc Wislez for the photographs of this 2005 IMC and Cis Verbeeck and Jan Verbert for their comments as IMC-organizers.

The Proceedings of the 2005 International Meteor Conference, Oostmalle, Belgium.

Waiting for participants to arrive… colorful T-shirts (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

The LOC at work: Cis Verbeeck, Jan verbert, Javor Kac and Luc Bastiaens (credit Rainer Arlt).

Cis Verbeeck checking in the Bulgarian participants: Valentin Velkov, Desislava Zhivkova and Nikolay Kolov (credit Jos Nijland).

The LOC with Jan Verbert, Geert Barentsen, Luc Bastiaens and Marianne Busschots (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

The audience at the opening of the IMC with in front Marc Gyssens and Paul Roggemans (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Yes, they are arriving: checking in at the welcome desk (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Cis Verbeeck with the welcoming words to an informal Thursday evening (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

The computer room with Casper ter Kuile in front (credit Rainer Arlt).

IMC participants in the Internet room (credit Casper ter Kuile).

André Knöfel and Detlef Koschny (credit Rainer Arlt).

Chris Trayner, Rainer Arlt, Javor Kac and Mihaela Triglav (credit Casper ter Kuile).

After arrival at the bar, Urska Pajer (with the beer) and Stane Slavec (credit Rainer Arlt).

Steven Van Impe and Marc Gyssens admiring Belgian beer labels (credit Jos Nijland).

Chat at the bar (credit Rainer Arlt).

From l.to r. Javor Kac, Chris Trayner, Henry Hendriks and Detlef Koschny (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Jérémie Vaubaillon and Nagatoshi Nogami (credit Jos Nijland).

Arnold Tukkers and Jos Nijland (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Michel Vandeputte with in the background Koen Miskotte, Casper ter Kuile and Chris Trayner (credit Jos Nijland).

Koen Miskotte and Michel Vandeputte (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Michel Vandeputte, Casper ter kuile, Javor Kac and Chris Trayner (credit Jos Nijland).

The symbol of the IMC ‘Immy’, at the start Friday morning (credit Rainer Arlt).

Frans Lowiessen offering a hand signed T-shirt as present to Cis Verbeeck and Jean-Marc Wislez for their efforts for having the Radio Meteor School (credit Rainer Arlt).

Juan Martin Semegone presenting ‘The Meteor Standard Receiver project (MSR)’ (credit Rainer Arlt)

Geoffrey Grayer presenting ‘The detection of meteors by electrostatics’ (credit Rainer Arlt).

Sasa Nedeljkovic presenting ‘Meteor forward scattering at multiple frequencies’ (credit Rainer Arlt).

Chis steyaert presenting ‘The VVS radio bacon’ (credit Rainer Arlt).

Geert Barentsen ‘Concept and presentation of a Unified Meteor Database’ (credit Rainer Arlt).

Masa-yuki Yamamoto presenting ‘Development of HRO-IF at KUT’ (credit Rainer Arlt).

Pavol Zigo presenting ‘Meteor observations at Modra Observatory’ (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

The IMO President, Jürgen Rendtel, at the IMO General Assembly (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

The audience at the IMO General Assembly (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Frans Lowiessen presenting ‘ METFITS: a new standard for radio meteor observations’ (credit Rainer Arlt).

Valentin Grigore presenting ‘Perseids 2005 results in Romania’ (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Daniel Fischer recording history (credit Rainer Arlt).

Nagatoshi Nogami presenting ‘Meteorite falls and their impact craters’list from ancient Chinese records before the 19th century’ (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Coffee break André Knöfel, Detlef Koschny and Jürgen Rendtel (credit Rainer Arlt).

Adriana Nicolae and Diana-Larisa Tampu (credit Rainer Arlt).

Participants enjoying the coffee break outdoors (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

The audience listening carefully, in front Valentin Velkov (credit Rainer Arlt).

Cis Verbeeck thanking guest lecturer Philippe Claeys who presented ‘The Impact of impacts’ (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Malcolm Currie and Geoff Grayer (credit Rainer Arlt).

The poster session (credit Casper ter Kuile).

The poster session (credit Rainer Arlt).

The poster session (credit Casper ter Kuile).

In front Luc Bastiaens, Marc Gyssens, Geert Barentsen and Steven Van Impe (credit Rainer Arlt).

The poster session (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Galina Ryabova and Jérémie Vaubaillon (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Rainer Arlt presenting ‘The Perseids 2005’ (credit Jos Nijland).

Daniel Fisher presenting ‘Astro-psychological experiment’ (credit Rainer Arlt).

Casper ter Kuile presenting ‘Image intensified video observations’ (credit Rainer Arlt).

Casper ter Kuile surrounded by a curious audience (credit Rainer Arlt).

Late evening happy hour in the bar (credit Jos Nijland).

Exploring Belgian beers and their effects (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Close encounters: Antonio Martinez and Urska Pajer (credit Antonio Martinez).

Informal chat (credit Jos Nijland).

So many friends, so much to tell at an IMC (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Masa-yuki Yamamoto and ?? (credit Jos Nijland).

Great facts often get started with a pint of beer (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Eduard Bettonvil presenting ‘Least-squares estimation of a meteor trajectory with a Gauss-Markov model’ (credit Rainer Arlt).

Eduard Bettonvil presenting ‘Least-squares estimation of a meteor trajectory with a Gauss-Markov model’ (credit Jos Nijland).

Mihaela Triglav presenting ‘Kappa-Cygnids from the IMO Video Database’ (credit Jos Nijland).

Mariusz Wisniewski presenting ‘Polish automated video observations’ (credit Jos Nijland).

Felix Bettonvil presenting ‘A digital all-sky camera’ (credit Jos Nijland).

Detlef Koschny presenting ‘Ground testing of a space-based meteor camera’ (credit Rainer Arlt).

Detlef Koschny demonstrating the camera (credit Rainer Arlt).

Galina Ryabova presenting ‘Meteoroid streams modeling and observations’ (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Jürgen Rendtel presenting ‘Study of meteor shower evolution using old and recent data’ (credit Rainer Arlt).

Jürgen Rendtel presenting ‘Study of meteor shower evolution using old and recent data’ (credit Jos Nijland).

Huan Meng presenting ‘The mass distribution of the Leonids’ (credit Rainer Arlt).

Jan Verbert giving precise information about the excursion and timing (credit Jos Nijland).

Dinner time, in front Arnold Tukkers and Koen Miskotte (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Dinner time Felix Bettonvil and his son at left (credit Jos Nijland).

Dinner time (credit Jos Nijland).

Ready for the excursion, from l.to r. Jürgen Rendtel, André Knöfel, Frans Lowiessen, Juan Martin Semegone, Nagatoshi Nogami and Antonio Martinez (credit Casper ter Kuile).

On the way for the excursion (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

On the way for the excursion (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

The IMC participants on their way (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Two busses were rented for the large number of participants (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Arrived in Lier in front of the Zimmer tower (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Excursion are ideal for informal chats (credit Rainer Arlt).

Urijan Poerink, Izidor Pelajic, Joost Hartman and Chris Trayner wondering about a circel on the ground (credit Casper ter Kuile).

A first attempt for a group photo (credit Casper ter Kuile).

The group photo (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Photographers photographing photographers (credit Casper ter Kuile).

The group in front of the Zimmer tower (credit Casper ter Kuile).

The group from another corner (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Marc Gyssens as experienced city guide (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Olech Belkovich and Galina Ryabova (credit Rainer Arlt).

Impressive monuments: Marc Gyssens and the Zimmer tower (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Marc de Lignie, Inneke Vanderkerken (partially hidden), Michel Vandeputte and Casper ter Kuile (credit Rainer Arlt).

Inside the clockwork museum (credit Rainer Arlt).

Inside the clockwork museum with in front Chris Trayner (credit Jos Nijland).

The various time indications on the Zimmer tower (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Idylic view in the old city of Lier (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Walking in the streets of Lier (credit Rainer Arlt).

Bridges and pitoresk rivers in the city (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Valentin Grigore recording the nice views (credit Rainer Arlt).

One group on the way to visit a church in Lier (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Inside the church we discover an impressive gothic piece of art work (credit Rainer Arlt).

Urszula and Arkadiusz Olech (credit Rainer Arlt).

From the church into the charming old streets (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Arnold Tukkers, David Asher, Casper ter Kuile, Paul Roggemans and Jean-Marc Wislez in the background (credit Rainer Arlt).

At the entrance of the beguinage (credit Rainer Arlt).

In the beguinage which is listed as world heritage by the Unesco (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

The townhall of Lier (credit Rainer Arlt).

Back at the Zimmertower (credit Rainer Arlt).

Time to enjoy the good weather and a drink (credit Jos Nijland).

The famous Astro Poetry show: Valentin Grigore and Andrei Dorian Gheorge at work (credit Casper ter Kuile).

The attentive audience during the astro poetry show (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

The Astro Poetry show always generates great enthousiasm (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

The attentive audience during the Astro Poetry show (credit Rainer Arlt).

The attentive audience during the Astro Poetry show (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Andrei Dorian Gheorge directing the Astro Poetry show with Elise Ijland and Casper ter Kuile (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Minus twelve fireball alias Arnold Tukkers enters the scene (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

The LOC bringing their act (credit Jos Nijland).

Some of the actors (credit Jos Nijland).

Andrei Dorian Gheorge and Marc Gyssens under the sheets (credit Jos Nijland).

Jérémie Vaubaillon brings the IMC song (credit Rainer Arlt).

Valentin Velkov, guitar player at the surprise party at home with Tom Roelandts (credit Rainer Arlt).

Geert Barentsen, Jérémie Vaubaillon and Jonathan Mc Auliffe in a joint effort to combine music and drinking (credit Jos Nijland).

Jonathan Mc Auliffe singer and guitar player at the surprise party at home with Tom Roelandts (credit Jos Nijland).

Mengling Zhang playing the guitar at the surprise party at home with Tom Roelandts (credit Jos Nijland).

Alltogether in the bar singing with Valentin Velkov (credit Jos Nijland).

Olech Belkovich, Galina Ryabova and Valentin Velkov at guitar (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Andrei Dorian Gheorge, Arnold Tukkers, Casper ter Kuile, Koen Miskotte, Marc de Lignie, Goran Sekuloski and Ineke Vanderkerken (credit Jos Nijland).

Pavol Zigo (guitar), Nagatoshi Nogami and Jérémie Vaubaillon (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

An Bulcke, Nassia Smeets, Valentin Velkov (guitar), Desislava Zhivkova, Adriana Nicolae and Paul Roggemans (credit Jos Nijland).

Valentin Velkov (guitar), Desislava Zhivkova and Nikolay Kolov (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Valentin Velkov, Desislava Zhivkova, Nikolay Kolov, Adriana Nicolae, Goran Sekuloski, Paul Roggemans, Jonathan Mc Auliffe (guitar) and Marc Neijts (credit Jos Nijland).

Singing all together (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Valentin Grigore offering a bottle to the LOC, Jan Verbert, Kristiaan Bonjean, Cis Verbeeck and Geert Barentsen (credit Jos Nijland).

Valentin Grigore offering presents to the LOC, Luc Bastiaens, Jan Verbert, Kristiaan Bonjean, Cis Verbeeck and Geert Barentsen (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Stefano Ferretti presenting ‘Radiant mapping with bistatic radars: a new method’ (credit Jos Nijland).

Jürgen Rendtel and Marc Gyssens watching amused (credit Casper ter Kuile).

A new advanced smiley (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Comparison between old and new smiley (credit Casper ter Kuile).

IMO council member Marc Gyssens got an asteroid named after him (credit Jos Nijland).

Marc Gyssens telling a word about his orbit (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Olech Belkovich being celebrated (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Olech Belkovich being celebrated (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Jürgen Rendtel congratulating Olech Belkovich who becomes honorary member of the IMO (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).

Jürgen Rendtel speaking the closing words of the 2005 IMC (credit Jos Nijland).

Jérémie Vaubaillon: Ending the IMC with the IMC song (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Jérémie Vaubaillon: Ending the IMC with the IMC song (credit Jean-Marc Wislez).