- 20th meeting
- IMC 2001 Website
- Local organizers : Mihaela Triglav (Astronomical Association Javornik).
- 69 participants from 19 countries: Argentina (3), Austria (2), Belgium (4), Bulgaria (7), Canada (1), Croatia (2), France (1), Germany (8), Italy (3), Japan (1), the Netherlands (3), Poland (5), Romania (7), Serbia (1), Slovakia (5), Slovenia (11), Switzerland (1), U.K. (2) and Ukraine (2).
- 32 presentations (25 lectures, 7 posters) of which 19 were included in the Proceedings.
- IMC 2001 Proceedings (ISBN 978-2-87355-013-4): Proceedings : 109 pages (eds. Mihaela Triglav, André Knöfel, Chris Trayner).
- Contents: Leonid models, observations – meteor simulation – summer observations – xi-Bootids – spectroscopy.
- IMC-Report in WGN: October 2001 (29:5) (PDF)
- IMC 2001 Program (PDF)
- IMC 2001 Participants list (PDF)
- IMC T-shirt: yes
- Participation fee 102 Euro.
The 20th IMC was organised by the Astronomical Association Javornik from Ljubljana and the Society for Technical Culture of Slovenia, with the assistance of the MBK team from Maribor. The participants were hosted in the ski hotel Cerkno situated in the small town Cerkno situated in the mountains, which offered everything from conference hall to a bar, especially opened for IMC participants.
It was the first time that a lot of participants came just to share their thoughts on meteors and personal recollections on good Leonid years and to see old friends, but not to present a talk nor an article except just a poster. This resulted in a little thinner edition of the IMC Proceedings. Never before the IMC gathered such an international audiance. The Saturday evening Astroshow became international as poet astronomers from two other countries added their work to the Romanian group. The excursion offered a visit to the Postojna Cave (the most famous Slovenian cave) as Slovenia is the owner of the Karst region in the hinterland of Trieste, which gave name to all karts regions in the world.
Acknowledgement : We thank Axel Haas, Javor Kac, Mihaela Triglav and Valentin Velkov for providing photographs of this 2001 IMC.

The offial group photo (credit Mihaela Triglav) with identification: 1. Cis Verbeeck (B), 2. Iocca Pucci (ARG), 3. Daniel Ocenas (SLK), 4. Peter Zimnikoval (SLK), 5. Marc Gyssens (B), 6. Cathy Hall (CAN), 7. Jure Zakrajsek (SLO), 8. Mirko Kokole (SLO), 9. Gelu Claudiu Radu (RO), 10. Niko Stritof (SLO), 11. wife of Thomas Weiland (A), 12. Thomas Weiland (A), 13. Korlevic Korado (HR), 14. Dunja Fabjan (IT), 15. Vladimir Krumov (BG), 16. Katya Koleva (BG), 17. Vladimir Smirnov (UA), 18. Iryna Makarenko (UA), 19. Marcin Gajos (PL), 20. Rainer Arlt (D), 21. Darja Golikowa (D), 22. Urska Pajer (SLO), 23. Nikola Biliskov (HR), 24. Felix Bettonvil (NL), 25. Stane Slavec (SLO), 26. Jean Marc Wislez (B), 27. Nora Vladimirova Stoynova (BG), 28. Lina Hristova Rashkova (BG), 29. Juan Martin Semegone (ARG), 30. Nagatoshi Nogami (JAP), 31. Aleksander Trofimowicz (PL), 32. Paulina Krasimirova Todorova (BG), 33. Valentin Velkov (BG), 34. Nikoleta Kostova Kostova (BG), 35. Kamil Zkoczewski (PL), 36. Jure Atanackov (SLO), 37. Mihaela Triglav (SLO), 38 Javor Kac (SLO), 39. Primoz Kajdic (SLO), 40. Mariusz Wisniewski (PL), 41. Anna Wisniewski (Puzio) (PL), 42. Oliver Wusk (D), 43. Ulrich Sperberg (D), 44. André Knöfel (D), 45. Dragana Okelic (NL), 46. Mirko Nitschke (D), 47. Ana Bedalov, 48. Roland Winkler (D), 49. Ionut Titus Ilesoi (RO), 50. Carlos Pucci (ARG), 51. Enrico Stomeo (IT), 52. Roberto Gorelli (IT), 53. Andreas Buchmann (CH), 54. Axel Haas (D), 55. Henry Hendrickx (NL), 56. Gabriella Triglav (SLO), 57. Teodor Pinter (SLK), 58. Mikulaš Mačansky (SLK), 59. Jan Verbert (B), 60. Marek Bujdoš (SLK), 61. Alex Conu (RO), 62. Cristina Tinta Vass (RO), 63. Catalin Sprinceana (RO), 64. Andrei Dorian Gheorge (RO), 65. David Asher (UK), 66. Adriana Nicolae (RO), 67. Jeremie Vaubaillon (F), 68. Chris Trayner (UK), 69. Irena Zivkovic (YU). Not on the group photo: Borut Jurcic Zlobec (SLO) and Werfried Kuneth (A).