- 17th meeting
- Local organizers : Peter Zimnikoval and Daniel Očenáš.
- 64 participants from 14 countries: Belgium (4), Bulgaria (6), Canada (1), Czech Republic (1), Germany (9), Japan (7), the Netherlands (4), Poland (3), Romania (4), Slovakia (15), Slovenia (2), Spain (3), U.K. (4) and U.S.A. (1).
- 21 presentations of which 19 were included in the Proceedings.
- IMC 1998 Proceedings (ISBN 978-2-87355-010-3): 117 pages (eds. Rainer Arlt, André Knöfel).
- Contents: Double-station video observations – automated video recording – heights of meteors – June Bootids and other summer showers – Taurids – Leonids – the forward scatter year.
- IMC-Report in WGN: October 1998 (26:5) (PDF)
- IMC 1998 Program (PDF)
- IMC 1998 Participants list (PDF)
- IMC T-shirt: No
- Participation fee 85 Euro.
The good experience in 1992 favored another IMC connected to a professional meeting of “Meteoroids”. The June Bootids outburst and Leonid perspectives were highlights at this IMC. The IMC (hosted in a hotel near the High Tatras mountains) allowed to visit the Skalnaté Pleso Observatory (1786m altitude) during the excursion. The presence of some professional meteor astronomers (from Commission 22 of the International Astronomical Union, NASA/SETI Institute, etc.) at the IMC and of several amateurs at the professional Meteoroid Conference proved to be of mutual interest. The Saturday evening Romanian Astroshow (including five dramatic acts of poetry/music) fully contributed to the good heart of the participants and became thus a tradition at the IMC. Another original moment was a German informal piano recital given by an IMO councillor in one of the evenings.
Acknowledgement : We thank Valentin Grigore, Valentin Velkov and Peter Zimnikoval for providing photographs of this 1998 IMC.

The Proceedings of the International Meteor Conference, Stará Lesná 1998.

The landscape around the 1998 IMC host Stará Lesná (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

The hotel of the 1998 IMC in Stará Lesná and Lina Hristova Rashkova (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

The hotel of the 1998 IMC, participants at the entrance (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

Arrival of IMC participants , from l.to r. Anna Ocenas, Peter Zimnokoval, Daniel Ocenas, Peter Jenniskens, Vladimir Krumov, Beata Zimnikovalova (?), Eva Bozhurova, Elena Borisova Sarbinska, Miloš Weber hidden, Valentin Velkov, Lina Hristova Rashkova, Valentin Grigore, Jack Baggeley and Nikolay Angelov Dobrev (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

Arrival of IMC participants , from l.to r.Peter Jenniskens, Vladimir Krumov, Eva Bozhurova, Elena Borisova Sarbinska, Valentin Velkov, Lina Hristova Rashkova, Miloš Weber, Nikolay Angelov Dobrev and Jack Baggeley (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

The Bulgarian and the Japanese participants, from l.to r.Ichiro Hasegawa, Satoru Suzuki, Yasunori Fujiwara, Nikolay Angelov Dobrev, Elena Borisova Sarbinska, Vladimir Krumov, Lina Hristova Rashkova, Takatsugu Yoshida, Masayoshi Ueda and Nagatoshi Nogami (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

Pulat Babadzhanov (credit Valentin Grigore).

Zdeneck Ceplecha (credit Valentin Grigore).

Stefan Berinde, Ian Williams and Valentin Grigore (credit Valentin Grigore).

Ian Williams and Marc Gyssens (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

Daniel Očenáš with organizational announcements (credit Valentin Grigore).

From l.to r. Michiko Hasegawa, Stefan Berinde, Ichiro Hasegawa, Valentin Grigore and Andrei Dorian Gheorge (credit Valentin Grigore).

??, Andrei Dorian Gheorge, Valentin Grigore, Peter Jenniskens and Stefan Berinde (credit Valentin Grigore).

Andrei Dorian Gheorge, Stefan Berinde, Zdeneck Ceplecha and Valentin Grigore (credit Valentin Grigore).

Valentin Grigore, Colin Keay and Stefan Berinde (credit Valentin Grigore).

Jack Baggeley, Jürgen Rendtel and Manuela Trenn (credit Peter Zimnikoval).

Andrei Dorian Gheorge, Gelu Claudiu Radu, Zdnenek Ceplecha and Valentin Grigore (credit Valentin Grigore).

Colin Keay and Valentin Grigore, at right Bob Hawkes (credit Valentin Grigore).

Valentin Velkov presenting ‘The 1998 June Bootid outburst observed in Bulgaria’ (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

Valentin Velkov presenting ‘The 1998 June Bootid outburst observed in Bulgaria’ (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

Sirko Molau presenting ‘The meteor detection software MetRec’ (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

Takatsugu Yoshida presenting: ‘Amateur-professional cooperation in Japan’ (credit Valentin Grigore).

The audience (credit Valentin Grigore).

The audience, in the middle Jürgen Rendtel, Sirko Molau (standing), Nagatoshi Nogami and Chris Trayner at right (credit Valentin Grigore).

The audience, in front Bob Hawkes and Colin Keay, background Jim Godwin, Shelagh Godwin and Peter Brown (credit Peter Zimnikoval).

The audience, in front Marc Gyssens. Background Lina Hristova Rashkova and behind Marc, Bob Hawkes, Jim Godwin, Shelagh Godwin and Peter Brown (credit Valentin Grigore).

The audience (credit Valentin Grigore).

During the coffee break, Lina Hristova Rashkova, Alastair McBeath and Ichiro Hasegawa (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

During the coffee break (credit Valentin Grigore).

During the coffee break, Lina Hristova Rashkova, Alastair McBeath, Elena Borisova Sarbinska, Vladimir Krumov and Nikolay Angelov Dobrev (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

Ian Williams, Jürgen Rendtel and Alastair McBeath (credit Valentin Grigore).

The poster exhibition (credit Valentin Grigore).

The poster exhibition (credit Valentin Grigore).

Michiko and Ichiro Hasegawa with Valentin Grigore in the background (credit Valentin Grigore).

Excursion to the Skalnaté Pleso Observatory (credit Valentin Grigore).

Excursion to the Skalnaté Pleso Observatory (credit Valentin Grigore).

Excursion to the Skalnaté Pleso Observatory (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

Excursion to the Skalnaté Pleso Observatory (credit Valentin Grigore).

Excursion to the Skalnaté Pleso Observatory (credit Valentin Grigore).

Excursion to the Skalnaté Pleso Observatory (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

Excursion to the Skalnaté Pleso Observatory, from l.to r. Eva Bozhurova, Lina Hristova Rashkova, Elena Borisova Sarbinska, Vladimir Krumov, Rainer Arlt and Nikolay Angelov Dobrev (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

Excursion to the Skalnaté Pleso Observatory, from l.to r. Rainer Arlt, Lina Hristova Rashkova, Vladimir Krumov, Eva Bozhurova, Elena Borisova Sarbinska and Nikolay Angelov Dobrev (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

A group photo, from l.to r. Manuela Trenn, Sirko Molau, André Knöfel, Gabrijela Triglav, Mihaela Triglav, Marek Samujllo, Rainer Arlt, Mirko Nitschke, Gelu Claudiu Radu, Jaroslav Stehlik,??, Anna Očenášová, Marc Gyssens, Manuel Solano Ruiz, Nagatoshi Nogami, Jim Godwin, Alastair McBeath, Urszula Majewska (Olech), ??, Miloš Weber, Andrei Dorian Gheorge, Valentin Grigore, ??, Chris Trayner and Eva Bozhurova (credit Peter Zimnikoval).

Excursion to the Skalnaté Pleso Observatory, from l.to r. Nikolay Angelov Dobrev, Lina Hristova Rashkova, Vladimir Krumov, Valentin Velkov, Elena Borisova Sarbinska and Rainer Arlt (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

Excursion to the Skalnaté Pleso Observatory, the landscape (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

Excursion to the Skalnaté Pleso Observatory, Rainer Arlt (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

Valentin Grigore and Nagatoshi Nogami (credit Valentin Grigore).

From l.to r. Daniel Ocenas, Marc de Lignie, Andrei Dorian Gheorge, Gelu Claudiu Radu, Alastair McBeath, Jack Baggaley and Valentin Grigore (credit Valentin Grigore).

The second Astro Poetry Show at an IMC with Gelu Claudiu Radu and Andrei Dorian Gheorge in action (credit Valentin Grigore).

The second Astro Poetry Show at an IMC with Andrei Dorian Gheorge and Gelu Claudiu Radu in action (credit Valentin Grigore).

The second Astro Poetry Show at an IMC (credit Valentin Grigore).

The public during the Astro Poetry Show, from l.to r.Manuela Trenn, Jürgen Rendtel and Sirko Molau (credit Valentin Grigore).

Rainer Arlt giving a piano recital (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

Free evening chat Jiri Borovicka and Sirko Molau (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

Free evening chat Jiri Borovicka, Zdnenek Ceplecha, Daniel Očenáš, Ian Williams and Jack Baggeley (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).

Free evening chat Jack Baggaley, Sirko Molau, André Knöfel, Marc Gyssens and Manuela Trenn (credit unknown photographer, picture provided by Valentin Velkov).