- 13th meeting
- Local organizers: Eva Bujorova, Valentin Velkov (Astronomical Observatory Varna).
- 57 participants from 8 countries: Belgium (1), Bulgaria (32), Germany (7), the Netherlands (3), Romania (4), Serbia (3), Slovakia (5) and Ukraine (2).
- 15 presentations (11 lectures) all of which were given in the Proceedings.
- IMC 1994 Proceedings (ISBN 978-2-87355-006-6): 89 pages (eds. André Knöfel, Paul Roggemans).
- Contents: Perseids 1994 – Geminids 1993 – zenith correction factor – analysis of video meteors – astrometry using Photo-CD – fireball observing from satellites.
- Participation fee 85 Euro.
In the past, IMC locations were selected taking into account the relative accessibility for the vast majority of IMC participants. The large group of very active observers in the Balkans was a positive factor in having the 1994 IMC in Bulgaria. The longer travel distance turned out to be no real problem for many IMC veterans from western Europe. The warm hospitality of the Bulgarian organizers remains unforgettable. An adventurous excursion into a cave without electric lights, but with impressive prehistoric wall paintings, and the view of the old Belogradchik Castle in the soft twilight, are some beautiful memories of the 1994 IMC.
Acknowledgement: We thank Axel Haas and Casper ter Kuile for providing photographs for this overview of the 1994 IMC.

First line : Dilyana Antonova, Slavomir Gospodinov, Valentin Velkov Second line : Stefan Markov, Dinko Mironov, Diana Tisheva, Doychin Dotsinsky, Anton Antonov, Kalin Petrov, Maya Ilieva, Irena Stavreda, Alexandar Shopov, Yulia Varbanova, Violeta Atanasova, Krum Cvetkov. Third line: Valentin Grigore, Calin Alexandru, Danut Ionescu, Manuela Trenn, Rainer Arlt, Anna Levina, Ralf Koschack, Peter Zimnikoval, Jaroslav Gerbos, Pavol Rapavy. Fourth line : Lilia Porojanova, Felix Bettonvil, Marc de Lignie, Sirko Molau, Axel Haas, Miroslav Znasik, Daniel Ocenas, Radostina Todorova, Ivelina Momcheva, Diana Nedeva, Dimitar Margaritov. Top : Andrey Grishchenyuk, Jürgen Rendtel, Vasile Micu, Marc Gyssens, Branislav Savic, Vladimir Lukic, Dragana Okilic and Ivanka Getsova. at right Hristo Brachkov and Eva Bojurova (credit Casper ter Kuile).

First line : Stefan Markov, Dinko Mironov, Diana Tisheva, Doychin Dotsinsky, Anton Antonov, Kalin Petrov. Seated behind : ??, Lilia Porojanova, Valentin Grigore, Felix Bettonvil, Andrey Grishchenyuk, Marc de Lignie, Sirko Molau, Manuela Trenn, Rainer Arlt. Standing André Knöfel and Jürgen Rendtel (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Calin Alexandru, Danut Ionescu, Manuela Trenn, Rainer Arlt, Anna Levina, Ralf Koschack, Peter Zimnikoval. Seated behind : Felix Bettonvil, Marc de Lignie, Sirko Molau, Axel Haas, Daniel Ocenas, Radostina Todorova. Top : Andrey Grishchenyuk, Jürgen Rendtel, André Knöfel, Branislav Savic, Marc Gyssens, Vladimir Lukic, Dragana Okilic (credit Casper ter Kuile).

In front Slavomir Gospodinov, Maya Ilieva, Irena Stavreda, Alexandar Shopov, Yulia Varbanova, Violeta Atanasova, Krum Cvetkov. second row : Anna Levina, Ralf Koschack, Peter Zimnikoval, Jaroslav Gerbos, ??, ??. Last row Daniel Ocenas, ??, Ivanka Getsova, ??. Standing at right Pavol Rapavy and Eva Bujorova. Standing behind : Vladimir Lukic, Dragana Okilic (credit Casper ter Kuile).

First line : Dilyana Antonova, Slavomir Gospodinov, Valentin Velkov Second line : Stefan Markov, Dinko Mironov, Diana Tisheva, Doychin Dotsinsky, Anton Antonov, Kalin Petrov, Maya Ilieva, Irena Stavreda, Alexandar Shopov, Yulia Varbanova, Violeta Atanasova, Krum Cvetkov. Third line: Valentin Grigore, Calin Alexandru, Danut Ionescu, Manuela Trenn, Rainer Arlt, Anna Levina, Ralf Koschack, Peter Zimnikoval, Jaroslav Gerbos, Pavol Rapavy. Fourth line : Lilia Porojanova, Felix Bettonvil, Marc de Lignie, Sirko Molau, Axel Haas, Miroslav Znasik, Daniel Ocenas, Radostina Todorova, Ivelina Momcheva, Diana Nedeva, Dimitar Margaritov. Top : Andrey Grishchenyuk, Jürgen Rendtel, Vasile Micu, Marc Gyssens, Branislav Savic, Vladimir Lukic, Dragana Okilic and Ivanka Getsova. at right Hristo Brachkov and Eva Bojurova (credit Casper ter Kuile).