- 9th meeting
- Local organizers: Detlef Koschny, Hans-Georg Schmidt, Dieter Heinlein.
- 58 participants from 13 countries: Australia (1), Belgium (7), Bulgaria (1), Croatia (2), Czech Republic (2), Germany (32), France (2), Hungary (3), Russia (1), the Netherlands (2), Slovenia (1), Spain (3) and the U.K. (1).
- 19 presentations (17 lectures, 2 posters) of which 17 were included in the Proceedings.
- IMC 1990 Proceedings (ISBN none): 64 pages (eds. Detlef Koschny, Dieter Heinlein).
- Contents: Physics of meteoroids – zenith attraction – Tunguska Expedition 1990 – telescopic Aquarids – radiants in Per/Aur – fireball sounds – Glanerbrug meteorite – electrostatic meteor observing.
- Participation fee 70 Euro.
This was so far the only IMC that took place at the same location as a previous meeting, the Bruder-Klaus-Heim in Violau (see 1985). The location also contains the public observatory of Martin Mayer. From the workshops, participants will never forget the demonstrations of practical daily life in East Siberia by Korlevic Korado who had taken part in a Tugunska expedition. The friendly atmosphere, typical for the IMC tradition, dominated this IMC. For a last time, the role of IMO in the IMCs was questioned by participants opposed to such formal organizational structures. At the closing ceremony of the 1990 Conference, the organizers, as well as IMO officials, stressed that meteor observers are like one family, and that non-IMO members will be always as welcome as IMO members at future IMCs.
Acknowledgement: We thank Axel Haas and Casper ter Kuile for providing photographs of the 1990 IMC and Dieter Heinlein for his comments as organizer.
High resolution versions can be obtained on request for the images in the gallery.

From l.to r. Jan Lanzing (hiding face), Hélène Hedreul (hidden partly), Dieter Heinlein, Pierre Bader, Chris Steyaert, Ivo Dielen, Paul Roggemans (hidden), Janko Richter, Evelyne Blomme, Malcolm Currie, Gaby Haderer, someone hidden, Josep Trigo, Ghislain Plesier, Roland Egger, Martin Mayer, Ralf Koschack, Jürgen Rendtel, Roland Winkler, Ina Rendtel, Korlevic Korado and Casper ter Kuile (credit Axel Haas).

From left to right Peter Wright, Bruno Wagner, someone hidden, Miguel Yuste, Raul Sayalero, Detlef Koschny (seated), Werner Hasubick, Michael Nolle, Jörg Koschny (bending forward), Detlef Spötter (seated), Dieter Heinlein, someone hidden, Gabriele Marxer, Irmgard Schmidt, someone hidden, André Knöfel (seated), Jan Lanzing (seated), Hélène Hedreul (photographing), György Horvath, Pierre Bader, Chris Steyaert, Ivo Dielen, Paul Roggemans, Janko Richter (seated), Evelyne Blomme, Malcolm Currie (hidden), Gabi Koschny and Bernhard Koch (credit Axel Haas).

During the group photo. Seated from left to right Nicholas Harvey, Miguel Yuste, Detlef Spötter, Raul Sayalero (hidden), Jörg Koschny, Stefan Ströbele, André Knöfel, Detlef Koschny (back, photographing), Chris Steyaert, Jan Lanzing, Janko Richter and Gabor Süle. Standing from left to right Thomas Rattei, someone hidden, Zdenek Ceplecha, Peter Wright, Korlevic Korado, Immo Holvan, Alan Pevec (hidden), Gabriele Marxer, Dieter Heinlein (hidden), two persons hidden, Venco Kounoff (partly hidden), Irmgard Schmidt, Bruno Wagner, Michael Nolle, Ulrich Göze (hidden), Hélène Hedreul, Gennadij Andreev, Johannes Gütter, Gabi Koschny, Mark Vints, Roland Egger, Martin Mayer and Pierre Bader (hidden) (credit Axel Haas).

During the group photo. Seated from left to right: Gabor Süle, Detlef Spötter, Jörg Koschny, Stefan Ströbele, André Knöfel, Jan Lanzing, Ghislain Plesier (Photographing). Standing from left to right: Jan Hollan, Miguel Yuste, Zdenek Ceplecha, Thomas Rattei, Peter Wright (hidden), Raul Sayalero, Alan Pevec, Immo Holvan, Werner Hasubick, Bruno Wagner (hidden), Dieter Heinlein, Gabriele Marxer, Ulrich Görze, Venco Kounoff, ??, Irmgard Schmidt, Genady Andreev, Chris Steyaert, Hélène Hedreul (hidden), Johannes Gütter, Mark Vints (hidden), Hans Georg Schmidt, Paul Roggemans (hidden), Gabi Koschny, Evelyne Blomme, Paul Roggemans (hidden), Josep Trigo, Malcolm Currie (hidden), Roland Egger, Bernhard Koch, Martin Mayer, Ralf Koschack, Jürgen Rendtel, Roland Winkler (photographing) and Ulrich Sperberg (photographing) (credit Casper ter Kuile).

During the group photo, from left to right Jan Hollan (with coffee), Zdenek Ceplecha, Bruno Wagner, Alan Pevec, Thomas Rattei, Detlef Koschny (back photographing), Ulrich Görze, Rainer Arlt (partly), Immo Holvan (hidden), Peter Wright, Mark Vints, Raul Sayalero, some hidden persons, Dieter Heinlein, Johannes Gütter (partly), Jörg Koschny (bending forward), Stefan Ströbele, Gabriela Marxer, Irmgard Schmidt, Pierre Bader, Detlef Spötter (photographing), André Knöfel (hidden), Jan Lanzing (hidden), Ivo Dielen, Paul Roggemans (hidden), Christian Steyaert, Evelyne Blomme, Janko Richter, Bernhard Koch, Malcolm Currie, Gabi Koschny, someone behind his camera, Josep Trigo and Roland Egger (credit Axel Haas).

During the group photo. Seated from left to right Nicholas Harvey, Miguel Yuste, Detlef Spötter, Raul Sayalero, Jörg Koschny (half seated), Stefan Ströbele, André Knöfel, Chris Steyaert, Detlef Koschny, Janko Richter (hidden) and one person hidden. Standing from left to right Jan Hollan, Thomas Rattei, Zdenek Ceplecha (hidden), Peter Wright, Korlevic Korado (hidden), Immo Holvan, Alan Pevec (hidden), Dieter Heinlein, Gabriele Marxer, two persons hidden, Venco Kounoff, someone hidden, Irmgard Schmidt, Michael Nolle (hidden), Gennadij Andreev, Hélène Hedreul, Johannes Gütter, Mark Vints and György Horvath (credit Axel Haas).

During the group photo, from left to right, Mirjana Galicic (photographing), Jan Hollan, Zdenek Ceplecha, Bruno Wagner, Alan Pevec, Gabor Süle (looking down), Thomas Rattei (looking back), Immo Holvan (face hidden), Peter Wright, some hidden persons, Raul Sayalero, Dieter Heinlein, Jörg Koschny, Stefan Ströbele, Gabriele Marxer, Hélène Hedreul (partly), Pierre Bader (hidden), Detlef Spötter (looking away), Ivo Dielen, Jan Lanzing (looking away), Paul Roggemans, Chris Steyaert, Evelyne Blomme, Janko Richter, Bernhard Koch, Malcolm Currie, Gabi Koschny, Ulrich Sperberg, Josep Trigo, someone hidden, Ghislain Plesier, Martin Mayer, Ralf Koschack and Jürgen Rendtel (credit Axel Haas).

During the group photo from left to right, Jan Hollan, Zdenek Ceplecha, Mirjana Galicic, Bruno Wagner, Alan Pevec, Peter Spanyi, Gabor Süle, Thomas Rattei (hidden), Peter Wright, Immo Holvan, Michael Nolle, Mark Vints (hidden), Raul Sayalero, Werner Hasubick, some hidden people, Dieter Heinlein, Gabriele Marxer, Irmgard Schmidt, Hélène Hedreul (partly hidden), André Knöfel (seated), some hidden persons, Pierre Bader, Jan Lanzing (seated), Ivo Dielen, Paul Roggemans, Chris Steyaert, Janko Richter, Evelyne Blomme, Malcolm Currie, Bernhard Koch, Gabi Koschny, Ulrich Sperberg, Roland Egger, Josep Trigo (photographing), Ghislain Plesier (seated), Martin Mayer, Ralf Koschack and Jürgen Rendtel (credit Casper ter Kuile).

During the group photo, from left to right Thomas Rattei (back), some hidden persons, Peter Spanyi, someone hidden, Werner Hasubick, Immo Holvan, Mirjana Galicic, Ghislain Plesier (with camera), Alan Pevec, Peter Wright, Jan Hollan, Zdenek Ceplecha, Raul Sayalero and Miguel Yuste (credit Axel Haas).