- 5th meeting
- Local organizer: Hans-Georg Schmidt.
- 37 participants from 4 countries: Belgium (3), Denmark (1), Germany (26) and the Netherlands (5).
- About 10 presentations, no Proceedings were made
- Participation fee 35 Euro.
The 5th International Meteor Weekend took place as the opening activity of the Bruder Klaus Heim in Violau with official speeches and local musicians. After two events with lots of uncertainties in 1982 and 1983, the 5th meeting was attended by more meteor observers and got more presentations than any previous event. The organizational experience gained at the previous meetings turned out to be most valuable for the quality of this conference. During the informal evening a first free expression was presented in the form of an experimental film inspired on the music of Philip Glass; a need for artistic expression occured early in the IMC history. This was the last meeting for which no proceedings were published.

The 1985 group photo, from l.to r. ??, Casper ter Kuile, Bernhard Koch, Luc Gobin, Carl Johannink, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, Hans Georg Schmidt, ??, Gabi Haderer, ??, Paul Roggemans, Irmgard Schmidt, ??, ??, ?? (seated), Chris Steyaert, ??, ??, ??, ??, Werner Hasubick, ??, ??, ??, Michael Nolle, Axel Haas, Jérome de Jong van Lier and ?? (credit unknown photographer).