As you may already know, each year the International Meteor Organization (IMO) organizes a conference that is unique in itself, i.e. a conference that creates a space where both amateurs and professionals attend lectures and share their experience and expertise in meteor science. Like in 2020, the annual IMC took place online this year.

Most of the authors authorized us to share the video of their talks online: click the titles below to access the videos.

SESSION 1 – Radio and radar observations

Faint meteor observation by DIMS and laboratory meteor spectroscopy
Shinsuke Abe et al.
Simultaneous observation of faint meteor using MU radar and Tomo-e Gozen Schmidt telescope
Kouki Nonaka, Kohei Morita, Shinsuke Abe
Broadband radio emission from meteor trails observed with LOFAR
Tammo Jan Dijkema et al.
SESSION 2 – Fireballs and Meteorite Falls

Observing the Hayabusa-2 capsule re-entry over Australia
Eleanor Sansom, Masa-Yuki Yamamoto, et al.
Tests with a simple ablation and dark flight calculator
Felix Bettonvil, Dušan Bettonvil
AMOS update and status
Juraj Toth et al.
FRIPON network last results and data access
Francois Colas and the FRIPON team
Minimizing biases of luminous efficiency determinations based on FRIPON data
Theresa Ott et al.
SESSION 3 – Meteoroid Streams and Meteor Showers

Observations (2016–2020) of the Geminids from different regions of Russia by an amateur astronomer
Filipp Romanov
Calibration of visual meteor observations
Jürgen Rendtel, Ralf Koschack
Hunting for short-duration meteor showers
Sirko Molau
From D-criterion to chaos map
Ariane Courtot, Jérémie Vaubaillon, Marc Fouchard
SESSION 4 – Optical Observations and Lunar Impacts

MoMet – mobile meteor observation
Da Fonseca et al.
Meteor observation with the DIMS project: sensor calibration and first results
Dario Barghini et al.
What just happened? Facilitating cooperation between fireball networks
Jim Rowe
Fireball Report: two new APIs to share your camera observations
Vincent Perlerin, Mike Hankey, Robert Lunsford
AllSky7 Fireball Network Europe
Sirko Molau and Mike Hankey
Trajectory, photometry, and fragmentation of the Winchcombe meteorite fall reconstructed using a multi-network data set
Denis Vida et al.
SESSION 5 – Space & Balloon Based Observations

A Cubesat Mission dedicated to the detection
of meteors and space debris

Nicolas Rambaux et al.
Meteorix – a new processing chain for real-time detection and tracking of meteors from space
Maxime Millet et al.
MALBEC: feasibility of double-stratospheric balloon observations
Jérémie Vaubaillon et al.
SESSION 6 – Meteors & Atmosphere

Micrometeorites trajectories in the atmosphere from fireball fragmentations
Karol Havrila, Juraj Tóth, Martin Baláž
Collection of micrometeorites in the stratosphere
Justína Nováková et al.
Reconstructing meteoroid trajectories using BRAMS data
Hervé Lamy & BRAMS team
Spectral calibration of meteors: on the elevation-dependent atmospheric correction
Salvatore Vicinanza et al.
Recent results from the Kilwinning Spectroscopic Survey for Meteors
Bill Ward
Transverse scatter reflection coefficients from different plasma distributions
Gunter Stober et al.
Estimating luminous efficiency from simultaneous radar-optical measurements of shower meteors
Peter G. Brown et al.
SESSION 7 – Optical Observations and Lunar Impacts

Lunar impact flashes – almost like meteors
Detlef Koschny
Comparison of atmospheric entry models of meteoroids
Martin Baláž
Detection of meteors in shuttered photography with AI and mathematical morphology
Maya El Gemayel et al.
Subspace based meteor detection using SLIDE
Pete Gural
SESSION 8 – Education & Public Outreach

MOMSTER – meteor education kit as a resource for STEAM teachers in secondary schools
Stijn Calders et al.
The fruits of failure, frustration and fortune
Peter Slansky


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