Currently, 54 participants from 16 countries have already registered for the IMC 2018. If you are one of them, congratulations! We are looking forward to seeing you in Pezinok-Modra!
In the other case, mind the approaching early-bird deadline of May 31, which is a month earlier than usual (the IMC 2018 is also taking place earlier, from August 30 to September 2). After this date, registration fees are increased by 20€.
The absolute registration deadline is June 30, but mind that is quite likely that registration will have to be closed early because full capacity is reached!
We hope you too will participate in the IMC 2018 and extend to you once more a warm invitation to register! Also notice the two pre-IMC workshops on August 29 (one about visual observing and one, more specialized, about spectroscopy). For more info and for registering, please visit the IMC 2018 website!