On October 4th, 2017, 12h 07min 05sec UT, a huge fireball was observed, filmed and physically recorded over the Yunnan province, Southern China. A few reports of the event were sent to the IMO via the Fireball Report Form, althought it seems the very bright meteor was widely observed. So if you observed it, please do not hesitate to report it!

On October 4th, 2017, 12h 07min 05sec UT, a huge fireball was observed, filmed and physically recorded over the Yunnan province, Southern China. Even if a few reports have been sent to the IMO so far, some videos clearly shows the dramatic brightness of the event. According to the Center for Near Earth Objects Studies (CNEOS/NASA), this was the 4th more energetic atmospheric entry of the year! And the most energetic over China since December 15th, 2000! The CNEOS estimated the atmospheric entry speed of the small asteroid (probably a few meters large) to be close to 15 km/s, and maximum brightness occured at a 37 km altitude, over the position (lat. ~ 28.1° N ; lon. ~ 99,4° E).

World map of the most energetic events recorded by US governement sensors since April 15, 1988. The flagged point refers to the October 4th Chinese fireball. Credit: Alan B. Chamberlin (JPL/Caltech)
World map of the most energetic events recorded by US governement sensors since April 15, 1988. The flagged point refers to the October 4th Chinese fireball. Credit: Alan B. Chamberlin (JPL/Caltech)


One comment

  • IMO can consider about assigning several reliable Chinese meteor observers to gather information of China. In fact this fireball is well noticed by public.
    The drop site is far northwest from Shangri-La city, sound and quake was noticed by nearby inhabitants. An earthquake of rate 2.1 was recorded at 12h09m44s UT.
    Researchers are hunting for the meteorolites.

    Reply to rH_2017

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