The IMO has received over 45 reports of a bright fireball meteor over Germany and Switzerland that occurred on March 15th, around 19:48 Universal Time. Witnesses from Germany, Switzerland, France and Austria reported the event to the International Meteor Organization. Robin from Tuttlingen reported: “The fireball was so bright that it illuminated the sky and landscape around me to twilight brightness levels.”

Seven witness near Zurich reported a rumbling boom sound shortly after the fireball appeared. A witness outside of Zurich described the boom by saying, “About two minutes after the fireball there was a considerably strong sonic boom. After the sonic boom rumble was heard for at least 20s (noise background: a quiet suburban area).”

These types of booms associated with meteors indicate the fireball penetrated deep into the Earth’s atmosphere.

An estimated trajectory computed from the witness reports shows the fireball was traveling from the north to the south, starting about 25 km south of Stuttgart and ending approximately 20km east of Zurich.

If you witnessed this fireball event please fill out an official fireball report with the IMO


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