On December 6, 2018, a potential outburst of meteors associated with meteoroids released from 3D/Biela comet nucleus in 1649 may occur. Observers are strongly encouraged to monitor the event and report their observations.
For a better shower analysis, best is to use the parameters that have been defined for this source, which was once known as “Andromedids” but is now defined as “December φ-Cassiopeids (DPC)” (see the VMDB Working Meteor Showers list). Note that it’s a good opportunity for all observers to try our new version of the VMDB form using CSV files.

Meteors associated to 3D/Biela have been recently officially designed as December phi-Cassiopeiids (DPC) #446 by the International Astronomical Union (IAU).
Showers parameters are the following:
These parameters, especially the three-letters code DPC should be the parameters used for reporting to help in identifying meteors that are coming from this source. Thanks in advance!