On 21 June 2018, a very bright fireball occurred over western Russia around 01:15 UT (04:15 LT). The event was captured on video and caused a lot of public attention. The event has been reported by witnesses from the cities of Kursk, Lipetsk, Voronzeh and Orel. Many of them reported a loud sonic boom.
Astro-Alert.ru found out that the event was even caught by a weather satellite (timelapse : Astro-Alert, time label : Boam):
CNEOS/JPL analysis of US Government sensor data found a time of 01:16:20 UT and a location of 52.8 N, 38.1 E. The velocity was determined to be 14.4 km/s and the source energy was estimated to be 2.8 kt TNT.
The fireball was also detected in infrasound by initially 4 stations for the International Monitoring System (IMS) as tweeted by the CTBTO Executive Secretary Lassina Zerbo:
#CTBT #IMS detection of a #Bolide above western #Russia 🇷🇺 The automatic process used 4 IMS infrasound stations; IS43 (#Russia – Dubna), IS26 (#Germany) IS48 (#Tunisia) IS42 (#Portugal – Azores Island). Analyst review expected to add about 7 additional #infrasound stations. pic.twitter.com/baxvQQ76up
— Lassina Zerbo (@SinaZerbo) 21 juin 2018

Hi! Few comments:
1. Not correct “Voronzeh” , Is it Voronezh
2. As I known the meteorite at the picture was find near Ozerki (Lipetsk region, RU), not in Yelets (and now this meteorite has name Ozerki meteorit). See https://www.lpi.usra.edu/meteor/metbull.php