When the COVID-19 pandemic ruined the plans to have the IMC 2020 in Hungary, the IMO Council and the LOC and SOC decided to organize a 1-day online IMC 2020 instead. The IMC online version was a great success and due to the situation in 2021, the IMO Council decided to do the same in 2021, during 2 days: September 25 and 26, 2021. The online IMC reached more than 100 registered participants joining the IMC from different time zones (25 countries). There were no formal proceedings of this event, but articles covering presentations at the on-line IMC can be found in WGN: October 2021 (49:5) and December 2021 (49:6) (PDF).
Of course an online IMC does not provide all the benefits of in-person meetings, but it brought the participants into contact with other people and their work, which was very welcome one year after the previous IMC, especially in this pandemic age. Going virtual also opened an opportunity for IMO to reach a new, wider audience, tearing down the financial and travel restrictions that refrain part of the meteor community to attend the regular IMCs.
Organizing Committee