- 30th meeting
- IMC 2011 Website
- Local organizers: Valentin Grigore (SARM).
- 120 participants from 22 countries: Belarus (2), Belgium (8), Bulgaria (2), Croatia (10), Czech Republic (4), France (7), Germany (5), Greece (2), Hungary (4), Japan (2), Moldova (1), the Netherlands (5), Poland (5), Romania (43), Russia (2), Slovakia (7), Slovenia (2), Spain (1), Sri Lanka (1), Ukraine (2), U.K.(2) and U.S.A. (3).
- 44 presentations (33 lectures, 11 posters).
- IMC 2011 Proceedings (ISBN 978-2-87355-023-3): 148 pages (eds. Marc Gyssens, Paul Roggemans).
- Contents: Optical observations, Radio observations, Draconids 2011, fireballs and meteor physics.
- IMC-Report in WGN: December 2011 (39:6) (PDF)
- IMC 2011 Program
- IMC 2011 Participants list
- IMC T-shirt: yes
- IMC 2010 logo: yes (see IMC 2011 Website)
- Participation fee 155 Euro.
The standard IMC fee was valid for the Forum Continental Hotel, a limited number of places was offered in a cheaper budget hotel (Lara). Workshops were kept at Lara. This IMC was a somehow complex event with people and activities scattered over different places. The main IMC residence at Continental Forum Hotel was the most luxuous IMC hosting ever. The excursion led to the Transfăgărășan high way and the Bâlea Lake. The IMC had a very well balanced program with a visit to the historic center of Sibiu followed by a meal in a traditional Romanian restaurant.
Acknowledgement: We thank Bernd Brinkmann, Valentin Grigore, Anna Kartashova, Andrei Matache, Adriana Nicolae, Francisco Ocana, Casper ter Kuile and Mihai Verzea for the photographs of this 2011 IMC. A selection was made from many hundreds of available photographs to give a good coverage of this IMC.

The impressive market place of Sibiu with the city hall (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The impressive market place of Sibiu notice the tower that served as IMC logo at right (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The impressive market place of Sibiu with the typical windows in the roof called the ‘eyes of Sibiu’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The impressive market place of Sibiu with remarkable many connections to the German speaking population of the area (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

A hotel room for IMC participants at Hotel Continental Forum (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Some helping hands from early arrived IMO members: Paul Roggemans (credit Valentin Grigore).

The lecture room needed a lot of adaption to allow good beamer projection. Here Mihai Stoica and Tudor Alexandru are at work (credit Andrei Matache).

The lecture room needed a lot of adaption to allow good beamer projection. Diana Ogescu and Andrei Matache (credit Andrei Matache).

Getting the lecture room dark (credit Valentin Grigore).

Hanging up the banner with the flags (credit Andrei Matache).

Arrival of participants: in front Jiri Borovicka (credit Andrei Matache).

Andrei Dorian thinking about working (credit Valentin Grigore).

The Orbit Workshop Wednesday 14 September: from left to right Leonard Kornos, Thilina Heenatigala, Stela Arlt, Linda Parker, Rhiannon Blauw, Kis Adam, Lörincz Barnabas Attila, Bill Cooke, Ocaña Francisco, ?? , ?? and Lörincz Barnabas (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Orbit Workshop Wednesday 14 September: from left to right Rainer Arlt, Detlef Koschny and Juraj Toth (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The orbit workshop from left to right Francisco Ocana, Berndt Brinkmann, Helen Kharchenko, Ivan Bryukhanov, Bill Cooke, Detlef Koschny and Juraj Toht (credit Valentin Grigore).

The radio workshop from left to right Cezar Lesanu, Gabriela Lesanu, Helen Kharchenko, Tudor Georgescu, Cis Verbeeck explaining at the screen and Stijn Calders in front (credit Valentin Grigore).

The Orbit Workshop Wednesday 14 September coffee break: from left to right in the center we see Antonio Martinez talking to Francisco Ocaña, Jean-Louis Rault, in front Leonard Kornos, Stijn Calders, Ivan Bryukhanov, Ivan Sergei and Regina Rudawska (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Orbit Workshop Wednesday 14 September coffee break: from left to right Alfredo Caronia, Maxim Matvei, Jérémie Vaubaillon, ??, Bill Cooke and Mariusz Wisniewski, Cezar Lesanu and Antal Igaz (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Orbit Workshop Wednesday 14 September: from left to right Francisco Ocaña, Juraj Toth and Krisztian Sarneczky (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Orbit Workshop Wednesday 14 September: Leonard Kornos (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Orbit Workshop Wednesday 14 September: video conference with Sirko Molau (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The welcome reception at the city hall. From left to right Klaus Werner Iohannis, Mayor of Sibiu city, Martin Bottesch, President of Sibiu County Council and Valentin Grigore (credit Adriana Nicolae).

The welcome reception at the city hall. Klaus Werner Iohannis, Mayor of Sibiu city (credit Adriana Nicolae).

The welcome reception at the city hall. Marius-Ioan Piso, President ROSA (Romanian Space Agency) (credit Adriana Nicolae).

The welcome reception at the city hall. Paul Roggemans, IMO founder (credit Adriana Nicolae).

The welcome reception at the city hall. Martin Bottesch, President of Sibiu County Council (credit Mihai Verzea).

The welcome reception at the city hall. lucky for the IMC participants all speeches were kept short (credit Casper ter Kuile).

The welcome reception at the city hall. Bill Cooke, NASA (credit Adriana Nicolae).

The welcome reception at the city hall. Detlef Koschny, ESA (European Space Agency) (credit Adriana Nicolae).

The opening reception Thursday 15 September: Detlef Koschny and David Asher (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The opening reception Thursday 15 September: from left to right Casper ter Kuile, Arnold Tukkers, Florentina Ilesan, Andrei Dorian, Valentin Grigore and Javor Kac (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The opening reception Thursday 15 September: from left to right Paul Roggemans, Adriana Nicolae talking to Bill Cooke. In the background we recognize Anastasios Margonis (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Thursday evening Ivan Bryukhanov and Andrei Dorian entertained the first evening (credit Valentin Grigore).

Friday morning 16 September: The IMC banner above the entrance of the Astra Library where the IMC lectures were given (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The building where most of the lectures program took place (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Friday morning 16 September: the lecture room with from left to right Helen Kharchenko, Istvan Tepliczky, Pavel Spurny, Javor Kac, Thilina Heenatigala, Bill Cooke, Luc Bastiaens, Nagatoshi Nogami, Antonio Martinez, Przemyslaw Zoladek, Tom Roelandts, Leonard Kornos, Mariusz Wisniewski, Paul Roggemans, Pacol Zigo, Arnold Tukkers, Adriana Nicolae, David Asher, Juraj Toth and Jos Nijland (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday morning 16 September: IMO Vice President Cis Verbeeck opening the IMC (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday morning 16 September: IMO Treasurer Marc Gyssens with the traditional short announcements (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday morning 16 September: SARM President and IMC organizer Valentin Grigore (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Bill Cooke with the lecture ‘The status of the NASA Fireball Network’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Bill Cooke with the lecture ‘The status of the NASA Fireball Network’ (credit Andrei Matache).

Damir Segon with the lecture ‘On the meteorite fall in Croatia’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Damir Segon with the lecture ‘On the meteorite fall in Croatia’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

During the lectures schools visited the outreach exposition outside the IMC and visited the IMC lectures, here with Valentin Grigore and Florentina Ilesan (credit Andrei Matache).

Jiri Borovicka with the lecture ‘The Kosice meteorite fall: Atmospheric trajectory and fragmentation from videos and radiometers’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Jiri Borovicka with the lecture ‘The Kosice meteorite fall: Atmospheric trajectory and fragmentation from videos and radiometers’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Juraj Toth with the lecture ‘The Kosice meteorite fall’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Session chairman David Asher and Juraj Toth during the question time (credit Valentin Grigore).

Press conference with from left to right Paul Roggemans, Detlef Koschny, Cis Verbeeck, Valentin Grigore, Bill Cooke and Jeremie Vaubaillon (credit Valentin Grigore).

Press conference with from left to right Paul Roggemans, Detlef Koschny, Cis Verbeeck, Valentin Grigore, Bill Cooke and Jeremie Vaubaillon (credit Valentin Grigore).

Press conference with Bill Cooke and Jeremie Vaubaillon (credit Valentin Grigore).

Friday morning 16 September coffee break: from left to right Pavol Zigo, Stela Arlt, Antoaneta Avramova, Katio Koleva and Rainer Arlt (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday morning 16 September coffee break: from left to right Lukas Shrbeny, Linda Parker, Rhiannon Blaauw, Krzysztof Polakowski, Miroslaw Krasnowski and Mariusz Wisniewski (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday morning 16 September coffee break: the panorama from the terrace of the lecture room (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday morning 16 September coffee break: from left to right Linda Parker and Rhiannon Blaauw (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday morning 16 September coffee break: from left to right Zeljko Andreic, Denis Vida, Filip Novoselnik, Alen Zizak, Sandi Segota, Ivana Barisic, Galla Uroic, Ivica Skolic, Ivica Cikovic and Damir Segon (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday morning 16 September coffee break: from left to right Jos Nijland, Casper ter Kuile (back), Diana Ogescu, Guillaume Debos (seated), Leonard Kornos and Arnaud Leroy (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Pavel Spurny with the lecture ‘Fireball observations in Central Europe and SW Australia’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Pavel Spurny with the lecture ‘Fireball observations in Central Europe and SW Australia’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Maxim Matvei with the lecture ‘Automated Camera station’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

IMO advizers giving instructions for a good group photo. From left to right Paul Roggemans, Andrei Matache, Ciubotaru Razvan Claudio, Mihai Stoica and Casper ter Kuile (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Preparing the group photo in front of the Astra Library entrance (credit Andrei Matache).

Preparing the group photo in front of the Astra Library entrance (credit Andrei Matache).

The official group photo (credit SARM).

Getting over 100 people into a group photo takes some time and the best timing proved to be before lunch (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Friday noon lunch on the terrace (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Friday noon lunch on the terrace of the Astra Library. From left to right David Asher, Tonomura Yasuhiro, Nagatoshi Nogami and Anna Kartashova (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday noon lunch on the terrace of the Astra Library. From left to right Matej Korec; Leonard Kornos, Juraj Toth and Bernd Brinkmann (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday noon lunch: IMO Treasurer Marc Gyssens still at work (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday noon lunch: from left to right Detlef Koschny, Sergei Schmalz, Paul Roggemans and Adriana Nicolae (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Lidia Egorova with the lecture ‘Effect of thermal explosion’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Lukas Shrbeny with the lecture ‘Determination of velocity of fireballs from lightcurves’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Zeljko Andreic with the lecture ‘Dark flight calculations – how accurate can they be?’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Zeljko Andreic with the lecture ‘Dark flight calculations – how accurate can they be?’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Mirel Birlan with the lecture ‘Near-Earth Asteroids as source of meteors’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

David Asher presenting the lecture of Aswin Sekhar ‘Near-Earth Asteroids as source of meteors’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday afternoon break to stretch the legs (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Pavel Koten with the lecture ‘Leonid meteoroids from different filaments’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Jérémie Vaubaillon with the lecture ‘The 2011 Draconids meteor shower’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Jérémie Vaubaillon and the famous Draconid 2011 predictions (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

David Asher with the lecture ‘Draconid meteor storms’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

David Asher with the lecture ‘Draconid meteor storms’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

David Asher with the lecture ‘Draconid meteor storms’, the connection between the meyeor stream cross section and Totoro (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Jérémie Vaubaillon and the famous Draconid 2011 predictions (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The poster session with from left to right Krzysztof Polakowski, Detlef Koschny and Jean-Louis Rault (credit Valentin Grigore).

The poster session (credit Valentin Grigore).

Rhiannon Blaauw with the lecture ‘Comparison of Meteor Video Detection Software:Asgard vs UFOCapture’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Rhiannon Blaauw with the lecture ‘Comparison of Meteor Video Detection Software:Asgard vs UFOCapture’ (credit Adriana Nicolae).

Regina Rudawska with the lecture ‘The parent body search’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Regina Rudawska with the lecture ‘The parent body search’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Francisco Ocaña with the lecture ‘Narrow-band photometry of meteors’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Przemyslaw Zoladek with the lecture ‘PyFN – Meteor Analysis Software’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Damir Segon presenting the lecture of Pete Gural ‘New trajectory estimation software’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The lecture of Pete Gural ‘New trajectory estimation software’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Getting with about 100 person at the 5th floor by just two small elevators offered some extra time for socializing. From left to right we see Damir Segon, Ćiković Ivica, Sandi Segota, Ivan Bryukhanov, Sergei schmalz, Lukas Shrbeny, Ivan Sergei and Leonard Kornos (credit Andrei Matache).

Gathering in front of the hotel for a walk in the historic city (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Listening the explanation of the guide: from left to right Cezar Lesanu, Anna Kartashova, Chris Steyaert, Antonio Martinez, Mihai Stoica, Anna Konishcheva, Ivan Bryukhanov, Lidia Egorova, Lukas Shrbeny, Helen Kharchenko, Sergei Schmalz, Pavel Spurny, Krzysztof Polakowski, Thilina Heenatigala, Jiri Borovicka and Ewa Wala (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Listening the explanation of the guide: from left to right Helen Kharchenko, Sergei Schmalz, Jiri Borovicka, Krzysztof Polakowski, Ewa Wala, Przemyslaw Zoladek, Thilina Heenatigala, Mariusz Wisniewski, Miroslaw Krasnowski, Regina Rudawska, Alexandru Pompiliu, ??, ??, Pavol Koten (hidden) and the guide (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

On the way to the city defence wall (credit Valentin Grigore).

On the way during the walk in the historic city (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

On the way during the walk in the historic city: the old defence wall of Sibiu (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

On the way during the walk in the historic city: the old defence wall of Sibiu (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

On the way during the walk in the historic city: in front Elise Ijland, Cis Verbeeck, Ivana Barisic, Luc Bastiaens, Galla Uroic, Sandi Segota, Linda Parker, Zeljko Andreic, Andrei Matache, Antoaneta Avramova, Rhiannon Blaauw and Katia Koleva (credit Francisco Ocana).

On the way during the walk in the historic city: the market place with the fontains of Sibiu (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

During the walk in the historic city: the market place seen from the old tower of Sibiu (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

During the walk in the historic city: Bernd Brinkmann on the stairs of the old Council tower (credit Adriana Nicolae).

During the walk in the historic city: explanation in the old Council tower of Sibiu. From left to right: Pavol Zigo, Casper ter Kuile (half hidden), Miroslav Krasnowski, Juarj Toth, Lidia Egorova (looking away), Przemyslaw Zoladek, Paul Roggemans, Adriana Nicolae, Antonio Martinez, Detlef Koschny and the tour guide (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday evening traditional Romanian dinner in Sergiana Restaurant (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday evening traditional Romanian dinner in Sergiana Restaurant (credit Casper ter Kuile).

Friday evening traditional Romanian dinner in Sergiana Restaurant. From left to right David Asher, Marc Gyssens, Bill Cooke, Linda Parker (back) and Rhiannon Blaauw (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday evening traditional Romanian dinner in Sergiana Restaurant. From left to right Jos Nijland, Francisco Ocana, Detlef Koschny and Adriana Nicolae (credit Adriana Nicolae).

Friday evening traditional Romanian dinner in Sergiana Restaurant. From left to right Jean-Louis Rault, Guillaume Dubos, Jérémie Vaubaillon, Sylvain Bouley and Arnaud Leroy (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday evening traditional Romanian dinner in Sergiana Restaurant. From left to right Javor Kac (hidden), Mariusz Wisniewski, Ewa Wala, Przemyslaw Zoladek, Miroslaw Krasnowski and Regina Rudawska (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday evening traditional Romanian dinner in Sergiana Restaurant. From left to right Luc Bastiaens (hidden), Grigoris Maravelias (back), Nastassia Smeets, Vagelis Tsamis (back), Antonio Martinez, Tom Roelandts, Cis Verbeeck and Anastasios Margonis (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday evening traditional Romanian dinner in Sergiana Restaurant. From left to right Stijn Calders, Stela Arlt, Antoaneta Avramova, Katia Koleva and Rainer Arlt (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday evening traditional Romanian dinner in Sergiana Restaurant. From left to right Ivan Bryukhanov, Matej Korec, Juraj Toth and Nagatoshi Nogami (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday evening traditional Romanian dinner in Sergiana Restaurant. From left to right Tibor Hegedüs, Antal Igaz (back), Krisztian Sarneczky, Istvan Tepliczky and Barnabas Lörincz (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday evening traditional Romanian dinner in Sergiana Restaurant. From left to right Adam Kis, Barnabas Attila Lörincz, Anna Kartashova, Maxim Matvei (back) and Lidia Egorova (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Friday evening traditional Romanian dinner in Sergiana Restaurant. From left to right Cezar Lesanu, Dimitrie Olenici, Gabriela Lesanu and Mirel Birlan (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

After the dinner a large group had great fun on one of terasses that remain exceptionally long opened: from left to right: Thilina Heenatigala, Cezar Lesanu, Gabriela Lesanu (hidden), Nastassia Smeets, Luc Bastiaens, Nagatoshi Nogami, Guillaume Dubos, Francisco Ocana, Arnaud Leroy, Cis Verbeeck, Jos Nijland, Sylvain Bouley (hidden) and Jérémie Vaubaillon (credit Andrei Matache).

Friday evening star party for the public on the market place of Sibiu (credit Anna Kartashova).

Saturday morning session with from left to right Jiri Borovicka, Zeljko Andreic, Bill Cooke, Linda Parker, Casper te Kuile, Rhiannon Blaauw and Christian Steyaert (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Saturday morning session chairman Damir Segon (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Saturday morning local organizer Valentine Grigore with some announcements (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Detlef Koschny with the lecture ‘Meteor news from ESA/RSSD’s meteor research group’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Detlef Koschny with the lecture ‘Meteor news from ESA/RSSD’s meteor research group’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Casper ter Kuile assisted by the IMC technical support by Florin Stancu, with the lecture ‘Delta aquarid expedition to Namibia and Draconid plans’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Casper ter Kuile with the lecture ‘Delta aquarid expedition to Namibia and Draconid plans’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Thilina Heenatigala with the lecture ‘Meteors without borders’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Saturday morning coffee break, Katia Koleva and Stela Arlt (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Christian Steyaert with the lecture ‘Epsilons: we need more theories’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Christian Steyaert with the lecture ‘Epsilons: we need more theories’ (credit Andrei Matache).

Jean-Louis Rault with the lecture ‘More on ELF, VLF and meteors’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Jean-Louis Rault with the lecture ‘More on ELF, VLF and meteors’ (credit Andrei Matache).

Stijn Calders with the lecture ‘BRAMS: status of the network and preliminary results’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Stijn Calders with the lecture ‘BRAMS: status of the network and preliminary results’ (credit Andrei Matache).

Helen Kharchenko with the lecture ‘Radio physical model of the meteor trail with the specular reflection point’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Helen Kharchenko with the lecture ‘Radio physical model of the meteor trail with the specular reflection point’ (credit Andrei Matache).

Cezar Lesanu with the lecture ‘SDR – radio meteor affordable approach’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Cezar Lesanu with the lecture ‘SDR – radio meteor affordable approach’ (credit Andrei Matache).

The audiance during the radio session. From left to right we recognize Christian Steyaert, Istvan Teplicky, Anna Konishcheva, Helen Kharchenko and Jean-Louis Rault (credit Andrei Matache).

The IMC banner above the entrance of the Hotel Continental forum (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

Another occasion for the group photo (credit Andrei Matache).

Preparing to get in the bus in font of the IMC hosting hotel (credit Andrei Matache).

Getting over 100 persons into the bus (credit Andrei Matache).

Many of the young SARM members didn’t join the excursion: from left to right Mihai Stoica, Cristian Grigore, Florin Stanescu, Claudiu Ciubotaru Razvan, Alex Grigore, Gabriel Tudor Alexandru, Maria Sora Andra, Anna Georgescu, Alexandru Spoiala and Andrei Balan (credit Andrei Matache).

The Saturday afternoon excursion: the road to Bâlea Lake (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday afternoon excursion: the road to Bâlea Lake (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday afternoon excursion: the road through a village (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday afternoon excursion: getting closer to the mountains (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday afternoon excursion: from the road the Bâlea Cascada or waterfall could be seen. The original plan to have a stop and walk to the waterfall was canceled due to the lack of time (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday afternoon excursion: once in the mountains, the road becomes more spectacular (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday afternoon excursion: The winding Transfagarasan highway (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday afternoon excursion: The winding Transfagarasan highway and the second IMC coach following the first coach (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday afternoon excursion: a nice panorama on the Transgarasan highway (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday afternoon excursion: arrived at the hectic parking place of Bâlea Lake, in front we see Sergei Schmalz (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday afternoon excursion: the Bâlea glacier lake, in front we see Mirel Birlan and at left in the background we see the cottage where the IMC lunch will be served (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday afternoon excursion: the Bâlea glacier lake, at right we see Gabriela Lesanu, Cezar Lezanu and Damir Segon (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday afternoon excursion: from left to right Valentin Grigore, Bill Cooke, Rhiannon Blaauw and Linda Parker (credit Casper ter Kuile).

The Saturday afternoon excursion: the Bâlea glacier lake, with at left the cottage where we got the lunch (credit Francisco OCana).

The Saturday afternoon excursion: time for more pictures in Tom Roelandts in the center (credit Adriana Nicolae).

The Saturday afternoon excursion: walk to the Restaurant for lunch (credit Casper ter Kuile).

The Saturday afternoon excursion: ready for lunch (credit Casper ter Kuile).

The Saturday afternoon excursion: ready for lunch (credit Casper ter Kuile).

The Saturday afternoon excursion lunch at Balea Lake. From left to right: Antoaneta Avramova, Katia Koleva, Luc Bastiaens, Marc Gyssens, Tom Roelandts,?? and Nassia Smeets (credit Adriana Nicolae).

The Saturday afternoon excursion lunch at Balea Lake. From left to right: Elise Ijland, Arnold Tukkers, Diana Ogescu, Jos Nijland and Paul Roggemans (credit Adriana Nicolae).

The Saturday afternoon excursion lunch at Balea Lake. From left to right: Stijn Calders, Bernd Brinkmann, Thilina Heenatigala, Jos Nijland, Christian Steyaert and Bill Cooke (credit Adriana Nicolae).

The Saturday afternoon excursion lunch at Balea Lake. From left to right: Anna Kartashova, Maxim Matvei, Mirel Birlan, Dimitrie Olenici, Maria Stan, Alfredo Caronia (hidden) and ?? (credit Adriana Nicolae).

The Saturday afternoon excursion lunch at Balea Lake. From left to right: Sergei Schmalz, Detlef Koschny, Lukas Shrbeny, Pavel Spurny, Pavel Koten, David Asher and Yasuhiro Tonomura (credit Adriana Nicolae).

The Saturday afternoon excursion lunch at Balea Lake. From left to right: Filip Novoselnik (hidden), Damir Segon, Denis Vida, Ivica Skolic, Alan Zizak, Ivica Cikovic, Ivana Barisic (hidden), Galla Uroic and Zeljko Andreic (credit Adriana Nicolae).

The Saturday afternoon excursion lunch at Balea Lake. From left to right: Miruna Popescu, Istvan Tepliczky, Tibor Hegedus, Krisztian Sarneczky, Antal Igaz, Rhiannon Blaauw (hidden), Linda Parker and Javor Kac (credit Adriana Nicolae).

The Saturday afternoon excursion lunch at Balea Lake. From left to right: Ivan Sergei, Victor Chifelea, Petre Vlad, Ivan Bryukhanov and Gelu-Claudiu Radu (credit Adriana Nicolae).

The Saturday afternoon excursion after lunch. From left to right: Katia Koleva, Luc Bastiaens, Juraj Toth, Lukas Shrbeny, Antal Igaz, Pavel Spurny, Leonard Kornos and Jiri Borovicka (credit Adriana Nicolae).

The Saturday evening: IMO Vice-President Cis Verbeeck opening the 23rd IMO General Assembly (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

During the IMO General Assembly. From left to right we can recognise Jos Nijland, Luc Bastiaens, Thilina Heenatigala, Antoaneta Avramova, Katia Koleva, Alen Zizac, bill Cooke, Rhiannon Blaauw, Zeljko Andreic, Damir Segon and Ivica Cikovic (credit Andrei Matache).

The theatre during the IMO General assembly (credit Andrei Matache).

The Saturday evening: IMO Council member Detlef Koschny informs the membership about his activities (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening: IMO Council member and Visual Commission Director Rainer Arlt informs the membership about his activities (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening: IMO Council member and Radio Commission Director Jean-Louis Rault informs the membership about his activities (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening: WGN Editor in chief Javor Kac informs the membership about his activities (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening: Paul Roggemans presents the next IMC to take place at the Canary Islands (credit Adriana Nicolae).

The Saturday evening: Nagatoshi Nogami introducing the ACM 2012 in Niigata, Japan (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening: Andrei Dorian starting his Astro Poetry Show (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Madalina Stancu, Andrei Dorian and Florin Stancu (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Who makes always that mess of confetti at the IMC’s? (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: the public ion the theatre (credit Francisco Ocana).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Dimitrie Olenici and Gabriela Lesanu (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Cis Verbeeck and Adriana Nicolae with a ‘what’s in the name?’ sketch (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Sylvain Bouley and Jérémie Vaubaillon with the 2011 version of the IMC song (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: The French team, Jean-Louis Rault, Guillaume dubos, Arnaud Leroy, Sylvain Bouley and Jeremie Vaubaillon with the Giacobinid version of the French song ‘Frère Jacques, dormez-vous…’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Diana Ogescu (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Miruna Popescu, Tonomura and Nagatoshi Nogami (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Gelu Radu, Dan Mitrut and Andrei Dorian (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Victor Chifelea, Petre Vlad and Andrei Dorian (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Jean-Louis Rault and Andrei Dorian (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Gelu Radu and Andrei Dorian (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: David Asher and Miruna Popescu (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: David Asher revealing the secrets of the making of astro poetry (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Nagatoshi Nogami and Pavol Zigo with a Japanese – Slovak song (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Alex Grigore, Cristian Grigore and Przemyslaw Zoladek as bottle musician (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Victor Chifelea (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Nastassia Smeets, Sora Andra Maria and Elise Ijland (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Maxim Matvei (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Radu Gherase (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Antonio Martinez Picar (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Mirel Birlan (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Marc Gyssens (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: France sent Saphyr, Germany sent Falcon to observe the Draconids by plane, SARM wanted to fly too and sent … Gelu Radu and Andrei Dorian (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Ivan Bryukhanov with music from another univers (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Detlef Koschny (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Nagatoshi Nogami, Yasuhiro Tonomura and Arnold Tukkers (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Jos Nijland (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Sylvain Bouley (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Grigoris Maravelias (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Saturday evening Astro Poetry Show: Casper ter Kuile (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Sunday morning session: Session Chairman Detlef Koschny makes the speaker Andrei Matache respect the timing (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Sunday morning session: Juraj Toth with the lecture ‘Slovak Video Meteor Network – results’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Sunday morning session: Arnaud Leroy with the lecture ‘Presentation of the French video meteor network and its tools’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Sunday morning session: Tom Roelandts with the lecture ‘Beware of silently assuming linear intensity in meteor images’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Sunday morning session: Anna Kartashova with the lecture ‘The results of Orionids observations by the FAVOR camera in 2006-2008’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Sunday morning session: Grigoris Maravelias with the lecture ‘First results on video meteors from Greece’ (credit Adriana Nicolae).

The Sunday morning session: Antal Igaz with the lecture ‘Development of the Hungarian video network’ (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Sunday noon: The end of the 30th IMC and IMO Treasurer Marc Gyssens thanks the organizer Valentin Grigore and his SARM team for all the work they did (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Sunday noon: The end of the 30th IMC with the organizer Valentin Grigore speaking his closing works (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Sunday noon: The end of the 30th IMC with the organizer Valentin Grigore awarding his SARM team with diploma’s: from left to right Valentin Mocanu, ??, Alex Grigore, Florin Stancu and Razvan Claudiu Ciubotaru (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Sunday noon: The end of the 30th IMC with the organizer Valentin Grigore awarding his SARM team with diploma’s: from left to right Alexandru Tudor, Sora Andra Maria, Ana Georgescu, Cristian Grigore and Madalina Stancu (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Sunday noon: The end of the 30th IMC with the organizer Valentin Grigore awarding his SARM team with diploma’s: from left to right Mihai Stoica, Andrei Balan, Andrei Matache and Alexandru Spoiala (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Sunday noon: The end of the 30th IMC with the organizer Valentin Grigore with Florentina Ilesan (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Sunday noon: The end of the 30th IMC with a symbolic ritual the IMC flag is being folded. From left to right Valentin Grigore, Alex Grigore, Valentin Mocanu, Florin Stancu, ?? and Razvan Claudiu Ciubotaru (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The Sunday noon: The end of the 30th IMC. IMO Treasurer Marc Gyssens gets the IMC flag transferred from Valentin Grigore with Alex Grigore and Florin Stancu in the background (credit Bernd Brinkmann).

The departure of the participants. From left to right Ivica Cikovic, Ivana Barisic, Andrei Balan, Gabriel Alexandru Tudor, Galla Uroic, Madalina Stancu, Sandi Segota and Damir Segon (credit Andrei Matache).

The departure of the participants. From left to right Nastassia Smeets, Luc Bastiaens, Ivan Bryukhanov, Andrei Matache, Anna Kartashova, Grigoris Maravelias, Andrei Balan, Francisco Ocana, Maxim Matvei, Sergei Schmalz and Ivan Sergei (credit Andrei Matache).

Sunday noon: departure and good bye. Istvan Tepliczky, Paul Roggemans, Antal Igaz, Krisztian Sarneczky and Tibor Hegedus (credit Adriana Nicolae).

Sunday noon: departure and good bye. Guillaume Dubos, Matej Korec, Arnaud Leroy and Sylvain Bouley (back) (credit Adriana Nicolae).