- 7th meeting
- Local organizers: Jan Lanzing, Mark Van Rossum, Frank Witte, Casper ter Kuile (HASA).
- 65 participants from 9 countries: Belgium (7), Germany (11), France (2), Hungary (2), Italy (1), the Netherlands (35), Norway (2), Slovakia (4) and Sweden (1).
- 17 presentations all of which were given in the Proceedings.
- IMC 1988 Proceedings (ISBN none): 84 pages (ed. Jan Lanzing).
- Contents: Lightpolution – Perseids – meteor photography – radio work – PMDB – TV meteors – shape of ZHR curves – structure of meteor streams – workshops.
- Participation fee 32 Euro.
For the first time the name “International Meteor Conference” or short “IMC” was used, with the slogan “The IMC 1988, you can’t afford to miss it”. A very comfortable hotel, ‘t Kruisselt in De Lutte (Hengelo), served as host. The quality of the facility including the excellent dinners was made possible thanks to the impressive sponsoring that was raised by the organizers: in fact half of the overall IMC costs was covered by the sponsors allowing participants to pay just half the actual price! After years of talk about international cooperation among meteor workers, the definite preparation of IMO had started end 1987. One of the main subjects of the 7th edition was the creation of the International Meteor Organization. Not all participants were convienced of the feasibility of the initiative. A vast majority, mainly the non Dutch participants, proved to be in favor to create IMO, which was a fact some weeks later on 1 May 1988. The 1988 IMC was the last IMC of the pre-IMO era.
Acknowledgement: We thank Roberto Gorelli and Casper ter Kuile for providing photographs of the 1988 event.
High resolution images can be obtained on request for some of the photos in the gallery. Some poor quality photographs are included, because of the lack of images for this edition.

From l.to r.Casper ter Kuile, Reinder Bouma, Frank Kooiman, Michael Nolle, Annemarie Zoete, Hildo Mostert, Alex Scholten, Hélène Hedreul, Klaas Jobse, Dieter Heinlein, Jürgen Rendtel, Daniel Ocenas, Miroslav Znasik, Jeroen Van Wassenhove, Mark Vints, Glenn Ticket, Tamas Kalmar, Ludwig Weidinger, Jan Kampkuiper, Immo Holvan, Jos Nijland, Gabor Süle, Stefan Ströbele, Hans-Georg Schmidt, Frank Witte, Chris Steyaert, Carl Johannink, Mark Van Rossum, Marc Gyssens, Roberto Gorelli, Peter Zuithoff, Lieven Smits, Axel Haas, Bertil Lindblad, Jan Lanzing, L.Lindner, Erwin Zelhorst, Marc de Lignie, Paul Koenraad, André Oudbier and Felix Bettonvil (credit Casper ter Kuile).

From l.to r. Mark Van Rossum, Marc Gyssens, Roberto Gorelli, Peter Zuithoff, Lieven Smits, Axel Haas, Bertil Lindblad, Jan Lanzing, L.Lindner, Erwin Zelhorst, Marc de Lignie, Paul Koenraad, André Oudbier, Felix Bettonvil, Coen Van Putten, Evelyne Blomme, Hans Betlem, Trond Erik Hillestad, Renate Van Luyk, Paul Roggemans, Sicco van Hoegee, Peter Jenniskens, Huub Uit het Broek, Michael Ottink, Kai Gaarder, Bernhard Koch, Peter Zimnikoval, Erik Kelderman, Urijan Poerink, Reneé Jan Veldwijk and Paul van der Veen (credit Casper ter Kuile).