Königswinter (Bonn) – Germany, 8 – 10 June 1979

  • 1st meeting
  • Local organizer: Bernhard Schmitz.
  • 18 participants from 2 countries: Belgium (1) and Germany (17).
  • 9 presentations all of which were given in the Proceedings.
  • Seminar über Meteorastronomie 1979 Proceedings (ISBN none): 24 pages (eds.Bernhard Schmitz, Hans-Joachim Becker).
  • Contents: Meteor photography – probabilities – meteor-stream structures – radiant determination – height determination – atmospheric deceleration – relative meteor luminosity.
  • Participation fee 33 Euro.

The first Meteor Seminär was planned shortly after the International Astronomical Youth Camp of 1978, as the meteor observers of this summer camp wished to meet each other. It took place in a youth hostel in Königswinter near Bonn. Although the initial idea came from IAYC-participants, other meteor observers registered and by the time that the meeting happened, only a few of the IAYC meteor workers actually participated. As all participants, except one, came from Germany, the communication language was German. Another Meteor Seminär was planned for 1980.


The 1979 participants, first row from l.to r. I.Schmidt, B.C.Kämper, R.Egger, K.Kuhnke, D.Schneider and C.Steyaert. Behind: G.Müller, H.G.Schmidt, K.Salthammer, W.Mirbach, A.Haas, P.Schimpf, H.Langenscheidt, F.Schäfer, B.Schmitz, H.J.Becker and W.Hohenester (credit unknown photographer).
The 1979 participants, first row from l.to r. I.Schmidt, B.C.Kämper, R.Egger, K.Kuhnke, D.Schneider and C.Steyaert.
Behind: G.Müller, H.G.Schmidt, K.Salthammer, W.Mirbach, A.Haas, P.Schimpf, H.Langenscheidt, F.Schäfer, B.Schmitz, H.J.Becker and W.Hohenester (credit unknown photographer).