On June 16th 21:11 UT (Universal Time), a bright fireball was widely observed from Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Luxembourg, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, and France. Nearly 170 visual reports have been sent to the International Meteor Organization so far. The fireball was filmed from Belgium, France, Germany and the Netherlands.

The June 16, 2018, 21 h 11 min UT fireball photographed by U. Reichert while shooting the Moon-Venus conjunction from Schwetzingen (Germany). Credit: U. Reichert
The June 16, 2018, 21 h 11 min UT fireball photographed by U. Reichert while shooting the Moon-Venus conjunction from Schwetzingen (Germany). Credit: U. Reichert

The fireball has been caught by several cams of the FRIPON Network:

The June 16, 2018, 21 h 11 min UT fireball captured by 4 of the FRIPON Network Cams © FRIPON

Pinkpop festival-goers at Landgraaf (Netherlands) sighted the object pass over the scene during the concert of the Foo Fighters.

First analysis of visual reports and cameras recordings indicate the meteor flew above Belgium. Its visual flight started over Vielsalm and Saint-Vith (Belgium). The fireball went North-East (azimuth ~ 316°), with a ~40° inclination with the horizontal, on a ~75 km long path. It disappeared after fragmenting at an altitude of ~30 km altitude around 10 km North-East of Liège.

Estimated 3D trajectory computed from visual reports

Based on two All Sky camera captures from Wilderen and Bussloo and U. Reichert’s picture, Marco Langbroek calculated that fireball started over the Luxemburg-Belgian border, at 70 km altitude. and ended over the Belgian Ardennes (30 km south of Liege) at 30 km altitude with a steep angle of 48 degrees with the horizontal.

Fireball trajectory Credit : Marco Langbroek

If you saw this fireball, you help scientists investigating it by filling the Online Fireball Report Form (available in many languages). It’s easy, fast, and it does not require any technical or scientific knowledge. And it could help us getting a more accurate path, for further inquiry on the topic. Thanks in advance!


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