On March 18th, 02h 04min UT, a -7 fireball was observed by half-a-dozen witnesses and recorded by video and radio stations of FRIPON network. The low velocity meteoroid entered the atmosphere at a speed close to 12 km/s and an entry angle close to 60°, which is very close to the meteoroid characteristics of the New Year Italian fireball.

March 18th, 02h 04min UT fireball captured from Liege witha FRIPON network video station. Credit: FRIPON/Vigie-Ciel

March 18th, 02h 04min UT fireball captured from Liege with a FRIPON network video station. Credit: FRIPON/Vigie-Ciel

The bright fireball was observerd from the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany, and recorded from Belgium, especially with FRIPON cameras/radio stations operating in Belgium. Calculations operated from this recordings show the fireball had a quite high entry angle (~60°) and a low atmospheric entry speed (~12 km/s). It was visible as low as 30 km altitude, adn travelled with a North-West to South-East trajectory over Southern Belgium, ending close to the triple point between Luxembourg, Belgium and Germany.


Trajectory calculated from FRIPON video recordings for the March 18th, 02h 04min UT fireball over Walloon Region (Belgium). Credit: FRIPON/Vigie-Ciel

AMS/IMO has already received 6 witness reports so far.
If you witnessed one of these event and/or if you have a video or a photo of this event, please

Submit an Official Fireball Report
(available in 36 languages)

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