IMO Meteor Shower Calendar 1995

compiled by Alastair McBeath

based on contributions from Rainer Arlt, Jürgen Rendtel and Paul Roggemans

prepared for Usenet, Astronet and Compuserve by André Knöfel

prepared for WWW by Sirko Molau

IMOs Meteor Shower Calendar for 1995 contains the following items:


     Welcome to the 1995 International Meteor Organization (IMO) Meteor Calendar.   
     Inside we present notes on some of the more interesting, or favorably-placed   
     meteor showers of the year, together with tables featuring details on all the   
     showers currently known to the IMO which produce definite photographic,   
     radio, telescopic, or visual activity. Although ideally meteor data should be   
     collected at all times when conditions permit throughout the year, such   
     protracted monitoring is often not possible, thus the Calendar provides a   
     ready means of helping to determine when a particular effort may be most   
     usefully made for those with a restricted observing schedule.   
     The IMO aims to encourage, collect, analyze, and publish combined meteor data   
     obtained from sites all over the globe in order to further our understanding   
     of the meteor activity detectable from the Earth's surface. Results from only   
     a few localized places can never provide such total comprehension, and it is   
     solely by the support of many people across the whole world that our   
     continuing steps towards constructing a true and complete picture of the   
     near-Earth meteoroid flux can proceed. This means that all meteor workers,   
     wherever they are and whatever methods they use to record meteors, should   
     follow the standard IMO observing guidelines when compiling their   
     information, and submit their data promptly to the appropriate Commission for   
     Visual and photographic techniques have long been popular, and allow nightly   
     meteor coverage (weather permitting), although both suffer considerably from   
     the presence of moonlight. Telescopic observations are far less popular,   
     though they allow the fine detail of shower radiant structures to be derived,   
     and they permit very low activity showers to be accurately detected. Video   
     methods are now starting to be taken up, and these have the advantages, and   
     disadvantages, of both photographic and telescopic observing, but are certain   
     to increase in importance in the future. Radio receivers can be utilized at   
     all times, regardless of clouds, moonlight, or daylight, and provide the only   
     way in which 24-hour meteor observing can be accomplished for most latitudes.   
     All of these methods used together cover virtually the entire range of   
     meteoroid sizes, with sufficient overlap between them to allow both accurate   
     positional data and activity levels to be derived, from the very largest   
     fireball- producing events (using all-sky photographic patrols or visual   
     observations) through to tiny dust grains producing extremely faint   
     telescopic or radio meteors.   
     Remember that all of the above modes also allow the monitoring of the   
     continuous background flux of sporadic meteors. Though often treated as of   
     lesser regard than the showers, the sporadics give an essential calibration   
     for all other activities, and are furthermore a fascinating subject of study   
     on their own. However and whenever you are able to observe, we wish you all a   
     most successful year's work and very much look forward to receiving your   
     data. Clear skies!   

Highlights of the year

     In this section, we look at some of the showers especially suitable for   
     observation this year. Those not dealt with are largely omitted as their main   
     maxima are badly affected by moonlight, the main casualty in 1995 being the   
     Perseids, although because of the unpredictable nature of this shower's   
     outburst maxima in recent years, visual, photographic and radio observers are   
     urged to be active in any case. Both main peaks are expected between August   
     12, 13h UT and August 13, 04h UT. Information on special projects, new and   
     suspected showers can be found in the IMO's bimonthly journal WGN, which   
     should be regularly consulted for the latest news on all matters meteoric.   


     Active  : January 1--5   
     Maximum  : January 3, 23h UT (lambda = 283.16°)   
     ZHR    = 110   
     Radiant  : alpha = 230°, delta = +49°   
     Radiant drift: Deltaalpha = +0.8°, Deltadelta= -0.2°   
     Diameter  :V    = 41 km/s   
     r    = 2.1 (variable)   
     TFC   : alpha = 242°, delta = +75° and   
         alpha = 198°, delta = +40° (beta >40° N)   
     PFC   : before 00h local time alpha = 150°, delta = +70°;   
         after 00h local time alpha = 180°, delta = +40° and   
              alpha = 240°, delta = +70° (beta > 40° N)   
     Opening the year for northern hemisphere observers is an excellent return of   
     the Quadrantids, with the Moon a thin waxing crescent at worst. The shower's   
     radiant is in northern Bootes, and although circumpolar for many northern   
     sites, is at a useful elevation only after about local midnight. The shower   
     cannot be sensibly viewed from the southern hemisphere.   
     The maximum ZHR seems to fluctuate from year to year, though this may be a   
     result of data collected from too few weather--affected sites in the past,   
     and the situation is further complicated by the fact that mass-sorting of the   
     stream appears to cause the fainter (radio and telescopic) meteors to peak up   
     to around 14 hours before the brighter (visual and photographic) ones.   
     The actual maximum for any given class of meteors rarely exceeds a few hours   
     duration however, and can easily be missed. The time of maximum given above   
     is for visual observations, based on the most reliable series of observations   
     presently available, obtained by IMO members in 1992. This year affords   
     another fine opportunity to improve the accuracy of this result still   
     further. Consequently, all meteoricists should be alert well before and after   
     this time.   
     There is some evidence that the radiant size contracts markedly near the peak   
     and is more diffuse at other times, and photographic observations are   
     particularly encouraged by the IMO in 1995, with camera work to be carried   
     out from January 1 to 7 for this purpose. Camera fields should be centred   
     about 20°-30° from the radiant, but not below about 40° elevation from   
     the horizon. Photographic meteor rates are liable to be low away from the   
     shower's peak, but any results obtained away from this period would be doubly   
     valuable. Accurate visual and telescopic meteor plotting would be welcomed   


     Active  : January 24--February 09   
     Maximum  : January 31 (lambda = 311.7°)   
     Radiant  : alpha= 95°, delta= -54°;   
     diameter  :V    = 25 km/s   
     r    = 2.5   
     This is one of a number of minor southern hemisphere showers about which very   
     little is known. Indeed, southern hemisphere meteor astronomy would benefit   
     from a full survey to establish just which less active showers are genuinely   
     producing rates at the present time. The current year affords a good   
     opportunity to observe this particular shower, as new Moon falls on January   
     30. All forms of observations should be employed for it, with photographic   
     and telescopic field centres around 20° to 40° from the radiant and at   
     least 40° from the horizon. The radiant itself, near Canopus (alpha   
     Carinae), is well above the horizon for most of the night.   


     Active  : January 23--Mar 12   
     Maximum  : February 01 (lambda = 312.7°)   
     Radiant  : alpha = 210°, delta = -40°   
     Radiant drift: Deltaalpha = +1.1°, Deltadelta = -0.2°   
     Diameter  :V    = 60 km/s   
     r    = 2.6   
     Another minor shower visible only from the southern hemisphere, which is   
     badly in need of a thorough set of of observations. Its maximum is just a day   
     after that of the Alpha-Centaurids, so its observing circumstances are very   
     similar. The main difference is that its radiant elevation improves   
     throughout the night from about 23h local time, and culminates after dawn.   
     Photographers and telescopic observers should follow the advice given for the   
     Alpha-Centaurids above, while visual watchers should carry out standard IMO   
     plotting watches for best effects.   


     Active  : April 16--25   
     Maximum  : April 22, 15h UT (lambda = 32.1°)   
     ZHR   : variable---up to 90, usually 15--25   
     Radiant  : alpha = 271°, delta = +34°   
     Radiant drift: Deltaalpha = +1.1°, Deltadelta = 0.0°   
     Diameter  :V    = 49 km/s   
     r    = 2.9   
     TFC   : alpha = 262°, delta = +16° and   
         alpha = 282°, delta = +19° (beta > 10° S)   
     The Lyrids are best viewed from the northern hemisphere, but they are   
     observable from most sites either north or south of the equator, and are   
     suitable for all forms of observation. Maximum rates are attained for only   
     about an hour or two at best, and can be rather erratic at times. In most   
     years, activity of between 15--25 meteors per hour is seen, but on occasion   
     much higher rates are noted. The most recent such event was in 1982 when   
     American observers recorded a very short-lived peak ZHR of 90. This   
     unpredictability means the Lyrids are always a shower to watch, since we   
     cannot tell when another unusual return may happen.   
     As the shower's radiant rises during the night, watches can be usefully   
     carried out from about 22.30 local time onwards. The peak activity falls with   
     the Moon at last quarter in 1995, and although the predicted maximum would   
     appear to favour sites in the western Pacific region and eastern Asia   
     particularly, the maximum time may be somewhat different to this due to   
     variations in the stream, so all observers should be alert.   


     Active  : April 15--28   
     Maximum  : April 23, 21h UT (lambda = 33.3°)   
     ZHR   : periodic---up to around 40   
     Radiant  : alpha = 110°, delta = -45°   
     Radiant drift: Deltaalpha = +0.6°, Deltadelta = -0.2°   
     Diameter  :V    = 18 km/s   
     r    = 2.0   
     TFC   : alpha = 135°, delta = -55° and   
         alpha = 105°, delta = -25° (beta < 20° N)   
     This is a young stream produced by Comet P/Grigg-Skjellerup, and shower   
     activity has only been detected from it since 1972. Notable short-lived   
     shower maxima of around 40 meteors per hour occurred in 1977 and 1982---both   
     years in which the parent comet was at perihelion---but up to 1982, little   
     activity was seen at other times.   
     In 1983 however, a ZHR of about 13 was recorded, perhaps suggesting that the   
     stream has begun to spread further along the comet's orbit, as theory   
     predicts, so that even though Comet Grigg-Skjellerup is near aphelion in   
     1995, there is still the possibility of observing a shower from it this year.   
     The Pi-Puppids are best-seen from the southern hemisphere, with useful   
     observations mainly possible before local midnight. So far, visual and radio   
     data have been collected on the shower, but the slow, bright nature of the   
     meteors make them ideal photographic subjects too. No telescopic data have   
     been reported in detail as yet either. The Moon will be just past last   
     quarter for the shower's peak, which means that any shower rates can be   
     observed by all these techniques with the benefit of a dark sky.   


     Active  : April 19--May 28   
     Maximum  : May 3, 23h UT (lambda = 43.1°)   
     ZHR   : 50   
     Radiant  : alpha = 336°, delta = -02°,   
     Radiant drift: Deltaalpha = +0.9°, Deltadelta = +0.4°   
     Diameter  :V    = 66 km/s   
     r    = 2.7   
     TFC   : alpha = 319°, delta = +10° and   
         alpha = 321°, delta = -23° (beta < 20° S)   
     This is a fine, rich stream associated with Comet P/Halley, like the Orionids   
     in October, but it is visible for only a few hours before dawn essentially   
     from tropical and southern hemisphere sites. Occasional meteors have been   
     reported from further north, and the shower would benefit from increased   
     observer activity generally. The fast and often bright meteors make the wait   
     for radiant-rise worthwhile, and many events leave glowing persistent trains   
     after them. A relatively broad maximum -- sometimes with a variable number of   
     submaxima -- usually occurs in early May, and activity can be good for   
     several consecutive nights over this peak. Since new Moon is on April 29 in   
     1995, the shower will be free from moonlight at its best.   
     All forms of observing can be used to study the shower, with radio work   
     allowing activity to be followed even from the northern hemisphere throughout   
     the daylight morning hours. The radiant culminates at about 8h local time.   

Piscis Austrinids

     Active  : July 9--August 17   
     Maxima  : July 29 (lambda = 125.7°)   
     ZHR   : 8   
     Radiant  : alpha = 341°, delta = -30°   
     Radiant drift: Deltaalpha = +1.0°, Deltadelta = +0.2°   
     Diameter  :V    = 35 km/s   
     r    = 3.2   
     TFCs   : alpha = 255° to 0°, delta = 0° to +15°,   
         choose pairs separated by about 30° in alpha (beta < 30° N)   
     Like the Aquarid/Capricornid showers detailed below, this stream is best seen   
     from near-equatorial or southern hemisphere sites. As Piscis Austrinid   
     meteors are very similar in appearance to the Aquarids in particular, and   
     radiate from a similar region of the sky, it is important for visual watchers   
     to plot all possible shower members. Telescopic observations would also be   
     very sensible. The new Moon at the end of July is very favourable for the   
     shower's peak, and from suitable latitudes, the radiant elevation is high for   
     almost the entire night.   

Southern Delta-Aquarids

     Active  : July 8--August 19   
     Maximum  : July 29, 05h UT (lambda = 125.7°)   
     ZHR   : 20   
     Radiant  : alpha = 339°, delta = -16°   
     Radiant drift: Deltaalpha, Deltadelta -- see Table 4   
     Diameter  :V    = 41 km/s   
     r    = 3.2   
     TFC   : alpha = 255° to 0°, delta = 0° to +15°,   
         choose pairs separated by about 30° in alpha (beta > 40° N)   
     All four Aquarid streams are rich in faint meteors, which makes them well-   
     suited to telescopic and radio work, but enough brighter members occur to   
     make visual and even photographic observations possible too. While best   
     viewing circumstances are to be had from the southern hemisphere, they are   
     accessible to more northerly sites as well, although they are never   
     especially impressive from such locations.   
     The concentration of so many stream radiants in Capricornus and Aquarius at   
     this time of year often makes shower association difficult, so careful visual   
     plotting is essential, and observers should be familiar with the approximate   
     radiant positions for all these showers for any nights observed on. The only   
     shower likely to produce difficulties in plotting terms is the Southern   
     Delta-Aquarids near their peak, though the time of their maximum is rather   
     uncertain, and activity may well be reasonably good for a night or two to   
     either side of the predicted date. With new Moon on July 27, this shower's   
     best rates should be well recorded given good skies, since its radiant is   
     above the horizon all night.   


     Active  : July 3--August 25   
     Maximum  : July 30 (lambda = 126.7°)   
     Radiant  : alpha = 307°, delta = -10°   
     Radiant drift: Deltaalpha, Deltadelta -- see Table 4   
     Diameter  :V    = 23 km/s   
     r    = 2.5   
     TFC   : alpha = 255° to 0°, delta = 0° to +15°,   
         choose pairs separated by about 30° in alpha (beta > 40° N)   
     PFC   : alpha = 300°, delta = +10° (beta > 45° N)   
         alpha = 320°, delta = -05° (beta 0° to 45° N)   
         alpha = 300°, delta = -25° (beta < 0°)   
     This shower has long been noted for its bright -- sometimes fireball-class --   
     meteors. Their low apparent speed means that they are particularly attractive   
     to visual and photographic observers. Photographers might like to try   
     experiments with fragmentation or spectral studies, for example. Although   
     best observed from more southerly latitudes, those watching from the northern   
     hemisphere should not ignore the shower. Visual observers south of about   
     45° N can usefully make meteor plots certainly. As with the two above   
     showers, the Alpha-Capricornids benefit from the new Moon near the end of   
     July this year, and the radiant is close to the zenith around local midnight   
     from the southern hemisphere.   


     Active  : September 8--30   
     Maximum  : September 21 (lambda = 178.7°)   
     ZHR   : 3   
     Radiant  : alpha = 339°, delta = -02°   
     Radiant drift: Deltaalpha = +1.0°, Deltadelta = +0.2°   
     Diameter  :V    = 16 km/s   
     r    = 3.0   
     This minor shower's radiant at its maximum lies near the "Water Jar" asterism   
     in Aquarius, and consequently is well clear of the horizon for observers   
     south of about 45° N all night. It has not been clearly studied, and   
     further data is badly needed on it. Its meteors are slow and faint, making   
     them good telescopic targets, and visual meteor plotting should not be too   
     difficult, again because of the meteors' very low apparent velocity.   
     Telescopic field centres should be around 20° to 40° from the radiant and   
     at least 40° above the horizon. As new Moon occurs just three days after   
     their peak, conditions should be excellent for increasing our knowledge of   
     this shower in 1995.   


     Active  : October 2--November 7   
     Maximum  : October 22 (lambda = 208.4°)   
     ZHR   : 25   
     Radiant  : alpha = 95°, delta = +16°   
     Radiant drift: Deltaalpha = +1.2°, Deltadelta = +0.1°   
     Diameter  : 10°   
     V    = 66 km/s   
     r    = 2.9   
     TFC   : alpha = 100°, delta = +39° and   
         alpha = 75°, delta = +24° (beta > 40° N) or   
         alpha = 80°, delta = +01° and   
         alpha = 117°, delta = +01° (beta < 40° N)   
     On 1993 October 17-18, the Orionids produced a brief but unexpected outburst   
     of rates equivalent to their normal maximum, some four days before the   
     predicted peak. The usual maximum then followed in due course around October   
     21. There is some evidence to suggest this "early maximum" may have been   
     observed previously, but not in every year, and shows how essential it is to   
     collect data at times away from known shower peaks. Whether a repeat   
     performance can be looked for this year we cannot say, but observations,   
     particularly photographic, telescopic and visual, would be very useful. The   
     radiant itself has a complex structure, with a number of subradiants, some of   
     which may be associated with the lesser maxima often reported during the   
     shower (the 1993 event was an exceptional "lesser peak") and benefits   
     particularly from telescopic watching. Naked-eye observations are too   
     inaccurate to properly define the fine radiant structure.   
     As their radiant is near the celestial equator, the Orionids can be seen from   
     much of the globe, and observations can be carried out from around midnight   
     or a little before from most places. Covering the expected main maximum   
     should present no difficulties in 1995, since the Moon is new on October 24.   
     Like their May counterpart the Eta-Aquarids, Orionid meteors are swift, can   
     be bright and are often trained, so they well repay the effort needed to see   


     Active  : November 14--21   
     Maximum  : November 18, 08h UT (lambda = 235.57°)   
     ZHR   : periodic---up to storm levels, recently 10--15   
     Radiant  : alpha = 152°, delta = +22°   
     Radiant drift: Deltaalpha = +0.7°, Deltadelta = -0.4°   
     Diameter  :V    = 71 km/s   
     r    = 2.5   
     TFC   : alpha = 140°, delta = +35° and   
         alpha = 129°, delta = +06° (beta > 35° N) or   
         alpha = 156°, delta = -03° and   
         alpha = 129°, delta = +06° (beta < 35° N)   
     The Leonid stream is perhaps most famous for its periodic storms occurring at   
     roughly 33-year intervals when its associated comet, P/Tempel-Tuttle, returns   
     to perihelion. This situation is due to happen again in the years 1998--2000,   
     and Leonid activity is expected to increase in the next few years as the   
     comet approaches. Clearly, we have the best opportunity ever to follow these   
     changes in the coming years more fully than has been previously possible, and   
     to take advantage of these circumstances a special International Leonid Watch   
     project has been set up with IMO help to coordinate world-wide professional   
     and amateur Leonid studies. All observing methods should be pursued to ensure   
     that no detail is missed. Data collection began in 1991, and is intended to   
     continue into the next century.   
     In 1995, circumstances are not absolutely ideal, since the Moon will rise   
     only a couple of hours after the shower radiant at the expected maximum   
     (radiant rise is around local midnight for most locations north or south of   
     the equator), but it will at least be a waning crescent in Virgo. Data by all   
     observing methods is required.   


     Active  : November 15--25   
     Maximum  : November 21 (lambda = 239.4°)   
     ZHR   : 5   
     Radiant  : alpha = 117°, delta = -06°   
     Radiant drift: Deltaalpha = +1.1°, Deltadelta = -0.1°   
     Diameter  :V    = 60 km/s   
     r    = 2.7   
     TFC   : alpha = 115°, delta = +23° and   
         alpha = 129°, delta = +20° (beta > 20° N) or   
         alpha = 110°, delta = -27° and   
         alpha = 98°, delta = +06° (beta < 20° N)   
     Several unusual returns of this minor stream have occurred, when very short-   
     lived bursts of high rates have been seen. A ten-year periodicity has been   
     suggested in these events, which were primarily noted in 1925, 1935 and 1985.   
     This year would be a good time to try to confirm the reality of the   
     situation, providing plenty of observers collect and accurately report their   
     results. The Moon is almost perfectly- placed, just a day before new for the   
     shower peak. The radiant is available for useful watching from roughly 23h   
     local time; all observing methods should be employed.   


     Active  : December 17--26   
     Maximum  : December 22 (lambda = 270.93°)   
     ZHR   : variable, usually about 15, may reach 50+   
     Radiant  : alpha = 217°, delta = +75°   
     Diameter  :V    = 33 km/s   
     r    = 3.0   
     TFC   : alpha = 348°, delta = +75° and   
         alpha = 131°, delta = +66° (beta > 40° N) or   
         alpha = 63°, delta = +84° and   
         alpha = 156°, delta = +64° (beta 30° to 40° N)   
     A northern hemisphere shower which has been very poorly observed, although at   
     least two major outbursts have occurred within the past 50 years, in 1945 and   
     1986. Other similar events could easily have been missed however, and we   
     cannot be certain whether these two outbursts represent a definite   
     periodicity or not.   
     Clearly, this is a case where widespread data collection is absolutely vital.   
     All forms of observation can be made of this shower since many of its meteors   
     appear to be faint. Unfortunately, so little work has been carried out on the   
     Ursids that definite statements about what can or cannot be expected from the   
     shower have no real accuracy.   
     Although the radiant is circumpolar from almost all northern hemisphere sites   
     (and thus fails to rise for most southerly ones), it is at its highest later   
     in the night, culminating after daybreak. New Moon is one day before the peak   
     this year, so no chance to observe this shower should be wasted.   


     - alpha, delta, Deltaalpha, Deltadelta: Coordinates for a shower's radiant   
       position, usually at maximum; alpha is right ascension, and delta is   
       declination. Delta indicates the change in either alpha or delta per   
       day after the peak; + and - signs should be reversed to calculate   
       radiant positions before this date.   
     - r : Poplation index, a term computed from each shower's meteor magnitude   
       distribution. r=2.0--2.5 is brighter than average, while r above 3.0   
       is fainter than average.   
     - lambda : Solar longitude, a precise measure of the Earth's position on its   
       orbit which is not dependent on the vagaries of the calendar. All   
       lambda are given for the equinox 2000.0.   
     - V : Atmospheric or apparent meteoric velocity given in km/s. Velocities   
       range from about 11 km/s (very slow) to 72 km/s (very fast). 40 km/s   
       is roughly medium speed.   
     - ZHR: Zenithal Hourly Rate, a calculated maximum number of meteors an ideal   
       observer would see in a perfectly clear skies with the shower   
       radiant overhead. This figure is given in terms of meteors per hour.   
       Storm rates are usually well in excess of 1000 meteors per hour.   
       Radio ZHRs are based on corrected echo rates, so give only a rough   
       guide as to what visual activity could be seen in the absence of   
       daylight. - TFC and PFC: suggested telescopic and photographic field   
       centers respectively. beta is the observer's latitude ('<' means   
       ``south of'' and '>' means ``north of''). Pairs of telescopic fields   
       must be observed, alternating about every half hour, so that the   
       positions of radiants can be defined. The exact choice of TFC or PFC   
       depends on the observer's location and the elevation of the radiant.   


     Table 1 -- Working list of visual meteor showers. Streams marked with an   
        asterisk only produce the indicated ZHR in certain years, and   
        otherwise produce much lower activity. Contact the IMO's Visual   
        Commission for more information.   
     Shower     Activity  Maximum  Radiant   
               Date lambda alpha delta Diam   
                 °  °  °  °    
     Quadrantids    Jan 01-Jan 05 Jan 03 283.1 230 +49  5   
     Pi-Puppids II (3)   Jan 06-Jan 14 Jan 10 290.7 113 -43  5   
     Delta-Cancrids   Jan 05-Jan 24 Jan 17 296.7 130 +20 10/5   
     Alpha-Crucids    Jan 06-Jan 28 Jan 19 299.7 192 -63 10/5   
     Lambda-Velids II (3)  Jan 18-Jan 26 Jan 21 301.7 133 -46  5   
     Alpha-Carinids   Jan 24-Feb 09 Jan 31 311.7 95 -54  5   
     Virginids     Feb 01-May 30 several  Table 2 15/10   
     Theta-Centaurids   Jan 23-Mar 12 Feb 01 312.7 210 -40  6   
     Alpha-Centaurids *  Jan 28-Feb 21 Feb 07 318.7 210 -59  4   
     Omicron-Centaurids  Jan 31-Feb 19 Feb 11 322.7 177 -56  6   
     Delta-Leonids    Feb 05-Mar 19 Feb 15 326.7 159 +19  8   
     Gamma-Normids    Feb 25-Mar 22 Mar 14 353.7 249 -51  5   
     Beta-Pavonids    Mar 11-Apr 16 Apr 07 017.2 308 -63 10/15   
     Scorpid/Sagittarids (1) Apr 15-Jul 25 several  Table 3 15/10   
     Lyrids *     Apr 16-Apr 25 Apr 22 032.1 271 +34  5   
     Pi-Puppids *    Apr 15-Apr 28 Apr 23 033.3 110 -45  5   
     Alpha-Bootids    Apr 14-May 12 Apr 27 036.7 218 +19  8   
     Eta-Aquarids    Apr 19-May 28 May 03 043.1 336 -02  4   
     Alpha-Scorpids (2)  Mar 26-May 12 May 03 043.4 240 -27  5   
     Ophiuchids N (2)   Apr 25-May 31 May 10 049.7 249 -14  5   
     Beta-Corona Australids(2) Apr 23-May 30 May 15 054.7 284 -40  5   
     Kappa-Scorpids (2)  May 04-May 27 May 19 058.9 267 -39  5   
     Ophiuchids S (2)   May 13-May 26 May 20 059.8 258 -24  5   
     Omega-Scorpids (2)  May 23-Jun 15 Jun 04 074.2 243 -22  5   
     Chi-Scorpids (2)   May 24-Jun 20 Jun 05 075.2 248 -14  6   
     Gamma-Sagittarids (2)  May 22-Jun 13 Jun 06 076.1 272 -28  6   
     Theta-Ophiuchids (2)  Jun 04-Jul 15 Jun 13 082.4 267 -20  5   
     Lyrids (Jun)    Jun 11-Jun 21 Jun 16 085.2 278 +35  5   
     Bootids (Jun)    Jun 26-Jun 30 Jun 28 096.3 219 +49  8   
     Lambda-Sagittarids (2) Jun 05-Jul 25 Jul 01 099.6 276 -25  6   
     Pegasids     Jul 07-Jul 11 Jul 10 107.7 340 +15  5   
     Phoenicids (Jul)   Jun 24-Jul 18 Jul 15 112.7 021 -43  7   
     Piscis Austrinids   Jul 09-Aug 17 Jul 29 125.7 341 -30  5   
     Delta-Aquarids S   Jul 08-Aug 19 Jul 29 125.7 339 -16  5   
     Alpha-Capricornids  Jul 03-Aug 25 Jul 30 126.7 307 -10  8   
     Iota-Aquarids S   Jul 15-Aug 25 Aug 04 131.7 333 -15  5   
     Delta-Aquarids N   Jul 15-Aug 25 Aug 12 139.7 337 -05  5   
     Perseids     Jul 17-Aug 24 Aug 12 139.5 046 +58  5   
     Kappa-Cygnids    Aug 03-Aug 31 Aug 19 145.7 286 +59  6   
     Iota-Aquarids N   Aug 11-Sep 20 Aug 20 147.7 327 -06  5   
     Pi-Eridanids    Aug 20-Sep 05 Aug 29 155.7 052 -15  6   
     Alpha-Aurigids   Aug 24-Sep 05 Sep 01 158.6 084 +42  5   
     Delta-Aurigids   Sep 05-Oct 10 Sep 09 166.7 060 +47  5   
     Piscids     Aug 15-Oct 14 Sep 20 177.7 008 00  8   
     Kappa-Aquarids   Sep 08-Sep 30 Sep 21 178.7 339 -02  5   
     Puppid/Velids    Sep 28-Dec 30 several  Table 5 10   
     Capricornids (Oct)  Sep 20-Oct 14 Oct 03 189.7 303 -10  5   
     Sigma-Orionids   Sep 10-Oct 26 Oct 05 191.7 086 -03  5   
     Draconids *    Oct 06-Oct 10 Oct 10 197.0 262 +54  5   
     Epsilon-Geminids   Oct 14-Oct 27 Oct 20 206.7 104 +27  5   
     Orionids     Oct 02-Nov 07 Oct 22 208.4 095 +16 10   
     Taurids S     Sep 15-Nov 25 Nov 03 220.7 050 +14 10/5   
     Taurids N     Sep 13-Nov 25 Nov 13 230.7 060 +23 10/5   
     Leonids *     Nov 14-Nov 21 Nov 18 235.6 152 +22  5   
     Alpha-Monocerotids  Nov 15-Nov 25 Nov 21 239.4 117 -06  5   
     Chi-Orionids    Nov 26-Dec 15 Dec 02 250.0 082 +23  8   
     Phoenicids (Dec) *  Nov 28-Dec 09 Dec 06 254.3 018 -53  5   
     Sigma-Puppids II (3)  Nov 27-Dec 12 Dec 06 254.7 102 -45  5   
     Monocerotids (Dec)  Nov 27-Dec 17 Dec 10 258.7 100 +14  5   
     Sigma-Hydrids    Dec 03-Dec 15 Dec 11 259.7 127 +02  5   
     Geminids     Dec 07-Dec 17 Dec 14 262.0 112 +33  4   
     Coma Berenicids   Dec 12-Jan 23 Dec 19 267.7 175 +25  5   
     Ursids *     Dec 17-Dec 26 Dec 23 270.9 217 +75  5   
     Tau-Puppids (3)   Dec 19-Dec 30 Dec 23 272.0 104 -50  5   
Shower Drift V r ZHR Delta alpha delta ° ° km/s Quadrantids +0.8 -0.2 41 2.1 110 Pi-Puppids II (3) +0.4 -0.2 35 3.0 Delta-Cancrids +0.9 -0.1 28 3.0 5 Alpha-Crucids +1.1 -0.2 50 2.9 5 Lambda-Velids II (3) +0.7 -0.2 35 3.0 Alpha-Carinids 25 2.5 Virginids Table 2 30 3.0 5 Theta-Centaurids +1.1 -0.2 60 2.6 Alpha-Centaurids * +1.2 -0.3 56 2.0 25+ Omicron-Centaurids +1.0 -0.3 51 2.8 Delta-Leonids +0.9 -0.3 23 3.0 3 Gamma-Normids +1.1 +0.1 56 2.4 8 Beta-Pavonids +1.2 +0.1 59 2.6 13 Scorpid/Sagittarids (1) Table 3 30 2.3 10 Lyrids * +1.1 0.0 49 2.9 90 Pi-Puppids * +0.6 -0.2 18 2.0 40 Alpha-Bootids +0.9 -0.1 20 3.0 3 Eta-Aquarids +0.9 +0.4 66 2.7 50 Alpha-Scorpids (2) +0.9 -0.1 35 2.5 10 Ophiuchids N (2) +0.9 -0.1 30 2.9 Beta-Corona Australids(2) +0.9 -0.1 45 3.1 Kappa-Scorpids (2) +0.9 0.0 45 2.8 Ophiuchids S (2) +0.9 -0.1 30 2.9 Omega-Scorpids (2) +0.9 -0.1 23 3.0 Chi-Scorpids (2) +0.9 -0.1 21 3.1 Gamma-Sagittarids (2) +0.9 0.0 29 2.9 Theta-Ophiuchids (2) +0.9 0.0 27 2.8 Lyrids (Jun) +0.8 0.0 31 3.0 5 Bootids (Jun) 14 3.0 2 Lambda-Sagittarids (2) +0.9 0.0 23 2.6 Pegasids +0.8 +0.2 70 3.0 8 Phoenicids (Jul) +1.0 +0.2 47 3.0 Piscis Austrinids +1.0 +0.2 35 3.2 8 Delta-Aquarids S Table 4 41 3.2 20 Alpha-Capricornids Table 4 23 2.5 8 Iota-Aquarids S Table 4 34 2.9 3 Delta-Aquarids N Table 4 42 3.4 5 Perseids Table 4 59 2.6 95 Kappa-Cygnids 25 3.0 5 Iota-Aquarids N Table 4 31 3.2 3 Pi-Eridanids +0.8 +0.2 59 2.8 Alpha-Aurigids +1.1 0.0 66 2.5 15 Delta-Aurigids +1.0 +0.1 64 3.0 7 Piscids +0.9 +0.2 26 3.0 3 Kappa-Aquarids +1.0 +0.2 16 3.0 3 Puppid/Velids Table 5 41 2.9 Capricornids (Oct) +0.8 +0.2 15 2.8 3 Sigma-Orionids +1.2 0.0 65 3.0 3 Draconids * 20 2.6 storm Epsilon-Geminids +1.0 0.0 71 3.0 5 Orionids +1.2 +0.1 66 2.9 25 Taurids S Table 6 27 2.3 10 Taurids N Table 6 29 2.3 8 Leonids * +0.7 -0.4 71 2.5 storm Alpha-Monocerotids +1.1 -0.1 60 2.7 5 Chi-Orionids +1.2 0.0 28 3.0 3 Phoenicids (Dec) * +0.8 +0.1 18 2.8 100 Sigma-Puppids II (3) +0.3 -0.1 38 2.9 Monocerotids (Dec) +1.2 0.0 42 3.0 5 Sigma-Hydrids +0.7 -0.2 58 3.0 5 Geminids +1.0 -0.1 35 2.6 110 Coma Berenicids +0.8 -0.2 65 3.0 5 Ursids * 33 3.0 50 Tau-Puppids (3) +0.2 -0.1 33 3.0 (1) Radiation area of the Scorpid-Sagittarid complex. Observers north of 30° N should only take into account this area. (2) Major components of the Sco-Sgr complex, to be analyzed by observers south of 30° N only. (3) Major components of the Puppid/Velid complex.
Table 2 - Virginid complex radiant center motion. Date alpha delta Date alpha delta Date alpha delta Date alpha delta ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° Feb 03 159 +15 Mar 05 182 +01 Apr 04 200 -06 May 04 211 -11 13 167 +09 15 189 -02 14 204 -08 14 214 -12 23 174 +05 25 195 -04 24 208 -09 24 217 -13
Table 3 - Scorpid/Sagittarid complex radiant center motion. Date alpha delta Date alpha delta Date alpha delta Date alpha delta ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° Apr 15 224 -18 May 05 236 -25 Jun 04 260 -30 Jul 04 288 -27 25 230 -22 15 243 -27 14 269 -30 14 297 -24 25 251 -29 24 279 -28 24 306 -20
Table 4 - Radiant drifts for the Alpha-Capricornids, the Delta-Aquarids South and North, the Iota-Aquarids South and North, and the Perseids. Date Alpha-Cap Delta-Aqr S Delta-Aqr N Iota-Aqr S Iota-Aqr N Perseids alpha delta alpha delta alpha delta alpha delta alpha delta alpha delta ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° Jul 05 290 -14 321 -21 15 296 -13 329 -19 316 -10 311 -18 012 +51 25 303 -11 337 -17 323 -09 322 -17 023 +54 Aug 05 312 -09 345 -14 332 -06 334 -15 037 +57 15 318 -06 352 -12 339 -04 345 -13 322 -07 050 +59 25 324 -04 347 -02 355 -11 332 -05 065 +60 Sep 05 343 -03 15 353 -02
Table 5 - Puppid/Velid complex radiant center motion. Date alpha delta Date alpha delta Date alpha delta Date alpha delta ° ° ° ° ° ° ° ° Oct 10 107 -44 Nov 10 116 -44 Dec 10 132 -44 20 110 -44 20 120 -44 20 137 -44 Sep 30 104 -44 30 113 -44 30 126 -44 30 141 -44
Table 6 - Radiant positions for the Taurids South and North. Date Taurids S Taurids N alpha delta alpha delta ° ° ° ° Sep 15 011 +01 008 +06 20 015 +02 012 +07 30 023 +05 021 +11 Oct 10 031 +08 029 +14 20 039 +11 038 +17 30 047 +13 047 +20 Nov 10 056 +15 058 +22 20 064 +16 067 +24 25 069 +17 072 +24
Table 7 - Working list of daytime radio meteor streams. The ``Best Observed'' columns give the approximate local mean times between which a four- element antenna at an elevation of 45° receiving a signal from a 30-kW transmitter 1000 km away should record at least 85% of any suitably positioned radio-reflecting meteor trails for the appropriate latitudes. Note that this is often heavily dependent on the compass direction in which the antenna is pointing, however, and applies only to dates near the shower's maximum. Shower Activity Maximum Radiant Best Observed ZHR Date lambda alpha delta ° ° ° 50° N 35° S Cap/Sagittarids Jan 13-Feb 04 Feb 01 312.5 299 -15 11h-14h 09h-14h 15 Chi-Capricornids Jan 29-Feb 28 Feb 13 324.7 315 -24 10h-13h 08h-15h 5 Piscids (Apr) Apr 08-Apr 29 Apr 20 030.3 007 +07 07h-14h 08h-13h Delta-Piscids Apr 24-Apr 24 Apr 24 034.2 011 +12 07h-14h 08h-13h Epsilon-Arietids Apr 24-May 27 May 09 048.7 044 +21 08h-15h 10h-14h Arietids (May) May 04-Jun 06 May 16 055.5 037 +18 08h-15h 09h-13h Omicron-Cetids May 05-Jun 02 May 20 059.3 028 -04 07h-13h 07h-13h 15 Arietids May 22-Jul 02 Jun 07 076.7 044 +24 06h-14h 08h-12h 60 Zeta-Perseids May 20-Jul 05 Jun 09 078.6 062 +23 07h-15h 09h-13h 40 Beta-Taurids Jun 05-Jul 17 Jun 28 096.7 086 +19 08h-15h 09h-13h 25 Gamma-Leonids Aug 14-Sep 12 Aug 25 152.2 155 +20 08h-16h 10h-14h Sextantids Sep 09-Oct 09 Sep 27 184.3 152 00 06h-12h 06h-13h 30
Table 8 - Lunar phases for 1995 New Moon J 01 J 30 M 01 M 31 A 29 M 29 J 28 J 27 A 26 S 24 O 24 N 22 D 22 First Quarter J 08 F 07 M 09 A 08 M 07 J 06 J 05 A 04 S 02 O 01 O 30 N 29 D 28 Full Moon J 16 F 15 M 17 A 15 M 14 J 13 J 12 A 10 S 09 O 08 N 07 D 07 Last Quarter J 24 F 22 M 23 A 22 M 21 J 19 J 19 A 18 S 16 O 16 N 15 D 15

Useful addresses

     For more information on observing techniques, and when submitting results,   
     please contact the appropriate IMO Commission Director:   
     Fireball Data Center : André Knöfel, Saarbrückerstraße 8,   
     (FIDAC)     D-40476 Düsseldorf, Germany.   
     Photographic Commission: Jürgen Rendtel (ad interim), Gontardstraße 11,   
           D - 14471 Potsdam, Germany   
     Radio Commission:   Temporarily vacant   
     Telescopic Commission: Malcolm Currie, 25 Collett Way, Grove, Wantage,   
           Oxon. OX12 0NT, UK.   
     Visual Commission:  Rainer Arlt, Berliner Straße 41, D - 14467 Potsdam,   
     For further details on IMO membership, please write to:   
           Ina Rendtel, IMO Treasurer, Gontardstraße 11   
           D-14471 Potsdam, Germany.   
     Please try to enclose return postage when writing to any IMO officials, either   
     in the form of stamps (same country only) or as an International Reply Coupon   
     (I.R.C.---available from main postal outlets). Thank you!