WGN 39-6

The December 2011 issue of the IMO Journal is now in print. It will be posted shortly and subscribers
can also immediately access the journal in PDF format. The contents this

  • Editorial (J. Kac)
  • From the Treasurer – IMO Membership/WGN Subscription Renewal for 2012 (M. Gyssens)
  • Romania and IMC 2011 – a timeless beauty… (T. Heenatigala)
  • Solar Longitudes for 2012 (R. Arlt)
  • Comae Berenicids and related activities (M. Koseki)
  • Geminids: 30 years of observations (1980–2009) (K. Miskotte, C. Johannink, M. Vandeputte, P. Bus)
  • Results of the IMO Video Meteor Network – August 2011 (S. Molau, J. Kac, E. Berko, S. Crivello, E. Stomeo, A. Igaz, G. Barentsen)
  • Results of the IMO Video Meteor Network – September 2011 (S. Molau, J. Kac, E. Berko, S. Crivello, E. Stomeo, A. Igaz, G. Barentsen)

Front cover photo: this bright Northern Taurid fireball appeared on 2011 November 16 at 23h13m03s UT while Slovenian meteor observers were covering the Leonids from Grmada, Slovenia. The author used Nikon D80 equipped with 18-mm f/3.5 lens for a 60s exposure at ISO 1000. Photo courtesy: Rok Pucer.

Instructions for writing an article for WGN may be found in “Authors, Writing for WGN” [PDF].

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