After another very successful International Meteor Conference (IMC), in Porec, Croatia, the next IMC will take place in Armagh, Northern Ireland, from 2010 September 16th (Thursday evening) to 19th (Sunday lunchtime). It will be organized by the Armagh Observatory, a modern astronomical research institute having a rich heritage and a longstanding association with meteor science. Most participants will be accommodated in the Armagh City Youth Hostel; there is also bed & breakfast and hotel accommodation in Armagh.

The registration fee, probably similar to this year at 150 EUR (includes meals and accommodation), and other details will appear in time for registration to open early in 2010. The local organizing committee is Apostolos Christou (chairman), David Asher, Geert Barentsen and Miruna Popescu. More information will be communicated
when it becomes available, through the IMO mailing list, the Journal WGN, and this website.

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