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The Leonids have a ‘traditional’ node time in 2008 on November 17 around 09h UT, though the bright waning Moon close to the constellation of Leo will be a severe problem for observers on any location. In addition to the the traditional maximum, Jérémie Vaubaillon predicts two potential stream encounters, centred on November 17 at 01h32m UT (1466 trail; ZHR ~25-100?) and November 18 at 21h38m UT (1932 trail; ZHR ~20?). Mikhail Maslov proposed that the shower may show a peak with ZHRs ~130 at 00h22m UT on November 17, with meteors brighter than average. Observations around these times, as well as any other moments, would be of great value to test and improve the prediction models. An automated ZHR graph is made available for this shower. Please refer to the short-term meteor activity outlook and the 2008 shower calendar for observing information.

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