Cover of the IMO Meteor Observation Handbook
The brand new IMO Meteor Observation Handbook is now available from the online shop.

Thirteen years after the IMO’s “Handbook for Visual Meteor Observers” (1995), a new “Handbook for Meteor Observers” has been published. As the title says, the 1995 handbook was devoted to visual meteor observations. The IMO’s “Handbook for Photographic Meteor Observations” was sold out for many years as well, and there were requests for instructions to other observing techniques, too. Therefore the 2008 “Handbook for Meteor Observers” covers the visual, photographic, video, telescopic and radio observation of meteors. It also includes – as the 1995 handbook did – a description of the meteor showers currently included in the IMO’s Working List, with a concentration to the recent
observations and up-to-date activity information.

Thanks to the contribution of numerous authors, this broad spectrum of topics was collected and updated. Of course, meteor astronomy – observations as well as theoretical work – will produce new results and insights. Hence we plan to work on the texts on a continuous base with the aim to publish updated and revised new editions in
less than 13 years. So anyone is invited to contribute to a future version by sending comments on the current texts and figures or to write texts/produce figures.

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