The 28th International Meteor Organization Meteor Shower Calendar is available!
The main intention of the annual International Meteor Organization Meteor Shower Calendar is to draw the attention of observers to regularly returning meteor showers as well as to provide information about events which may be possible according to model calculations. This includes both the possibility of extra meteor activity in terms of additional peaks and/or enhanced rates but also the observational evidence of no rate or density enhancement. Both may help to improve our knowledge about the numerous effects and interactions between meteoroid parent objects and the streams. Further, the Calendar hopefully continues to be a useful tool to plan your meteor observing activities.
The heart of the Calendar is the IMO Working List of Visual Meteor Showers which is continuously updated so that it is the single most accurate listing available anywhere today for visual meteor observing. Nevertheless, it is a Working List which is subject to further modifications, based on the best data we had at the time the Calendar was written. Observers should always check for later changes noted in the IMO’s journal WGN or on the IMO website. Vice versa, we are always interested to receive information whenever you find any anomalies! To allow for better correlation with other meteor shower data sources, we give the complete shower designation including the codes taken from IAU’s Meteor Data Center listings.
Je suis à astronomier amateur, et procur plus information. Merci
I’m very grateful to have such a comprehensive and studied list of meteor shower activity. Thank you so much!
Wow hey if any comes for ky let us know
Let us know when something comes from the sky
This is more of a request rather than a comment ! I sure would like to have the 2019 Meteor Shower Calendar ! Where can I get one and how much do they cost ?
Wayne Westall
Hi Wayne,
You can find the Meteor Shower Calendar 2019 for free at https://www.imo.net/files/meteor-shower/cal2019.pdf