- 25th meeting
- IMC 2006 Website
- Local organizers: Local organizers: Joost Hartman, Urijan Poerink, Marc Neijts, Roy Keeris and Felix Bettonvil (KNVWS Meteor Section).
- 68 participants from 16 countries: Belgium (7), China (1), France (2), Germany (11), Ireland (1), Japan (2), the Netherlands (22), Poland (3), Romania (6), Russia (1), Serbia (1), Slovenia (1), U.K.(5), Ukraine (1), U.S.A. (2) and Venezuela (2).
- 35 presentations (29 lectures, 6 posters).
- IMC 2006 Proceedings (ISBN 978-2-87355-018-9): 190 pages (eds. Felix Bettonvil, Javor Kac).
- Contents: Meteor trajectories and velocities – historical survey – IMO Working List of Meteor Showers – parent comets – meteor-stream models – meteor Orbit Workshop – Perseids 2006 – sporadic meteors – radio School – camera networks – radio observations – 25 IMCs historic overview.
- Participation fee 120 Euro.
The 25th version of the IMC, hosted in small and quiet accommodations, was celebrated in conjunction with the 60th anniversary of the organizing NVWS Meteor Section (for which the hosts offered a barbecue, their honorary President’s lecture, and some rounds of live rock music during the last evening). This IMC was again preceeded by a Radio Meteor School and this time also a Meteor Orbit Workshop. One remarkable highlight was the presentation of video observing results and their implications for the IMO’s Working List of Meteor Showers. The excursion allowed the IMC participants to visit the Westerbork Radio Telescopes and the LOFAR prototype station. A very moving moment was a slide-show with information and images from all editions of the IMCs. In the longest night in IMC history, the traditional Saturday evening Astroshow became the Sunday morning Astroshow (with participants from 12 countries).
Acknowledgement: We thank Rainer Arlt, Adriana Nicolae, Jos, Nijland, Urska Pajer, Urijan Poerink, Casper ter Kuile, Jérémie Vaubaillon and Jean-Marc Wislez for the photographs of this 2006 IMC, and Felix Bettonvil, Joost Hartman and Roy Keeris for their comments to these pages as IMC-organizers.

The official IMC 2006 group photo: seated from l.to r. Adriana Nicolae, Christina Tinta-Vass,
Tampu Diana Larisa, Eduard Bettonvil, Vanda Tarigan, Joost Hartman, Dragana Okolic, Dušan Bettonvil, Urška Pajer, Felix Bettonvil, Jean-Marc Wislez, Vladimir Slusarenko, Amanda Schut, Stela Frencheva, Rainer Arlt, Galina Ryabova, Frans de Keijzer, Nel Fokker, Simon van Leverink, Paul Roggemans, Valentin Grigore and Peter Jenniskens. Standing from l.to r. Jérémie Vaubaillon, François Colas, Detlef Koschny, Luc Bastiaens, Arnold Tukkers (hidden), Alexandru Conu, Elise Ijland, Geoff Grayer, Jos Nijland, Lucie Maquet, Hans-Georg Schmidt (hidden), Frans Lowiessen, Stane Slavec, Sirko Molau, Carina Theiler, Bernd Gährken, Geert Barendsen, Joachim Floher, Jacob Kuiper, Malcolm Currie, André Knöfel, Apostolos Christou, Cis Verbeeck, ?? (hidden), Roy Keeris, Nastassia Smeets, Przemyslaw Zoladek, ??, Marc de Lignie, Mariusz Wisniewski, Svetlana, Suleymanova, Emma Versteegh, Miroslaw Krasnowski, Huan Meng, Antonio Martinez Picar, Bernd Brinkmann, Jürgen Rendtel, Nagatoshi Nogami, Milan Dajirević, Masa-Yuki Yamamoto, Paul van Vliet, Andrei Dorian Gheorge, Stijn Calders and Chris Trayner (credit Urijan Poerink).